Health news 15th-17th January 2011

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NHS bans on operations gamble with patients' health, senior surgeon warns
The NHS is gambling with patients' health by increasingly banning operations for hernias, cataracts and arthritic joints to save money, one of the UK's most senior medical figures said. John Black, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, accused NHS primary care trusts (PCTs) of pursuing a "dangerous" course by refusing treatment to patients, who will then suffer unnecessary pain and have less chance of recovering fully.

Lisa Jardine starts egg donor compensation discussion
People are being asked if sperm and egg donors should be given more money. Demand for donor treatment is far greater than supply and the body which regulates treatment is concerned about couples looking abroad. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has launched a public consultation to see how regulation of donation can be improved.

The latest slimming fad - gastric surgery at size 8!

It?s the single most popular New Year?s Resolution that?s made ? to lose weight. But as thousands of Brits rush to take out their new gym memberships or sign up with slimming clubs, others it seems are being tempted by a very different solution ? one that doesn?t involve sweating or calorie counting. Interested? Frankly, who wouldn?t be, at the start of this, National Obesity Week? Bariatric surgery has long been hailed as the miracle solution for the obese.

Why doctor does know best

Doctor knows best is an old adage but it is often not adhered to. Hands up who has ever failed to finish a course of pills? Skipped a daily drug? Slathered on cream which is meant to be applied sparingly? It is estimated that between 30% and 50% of long-term medicines are not taken properly. That?s a huge waste of resources which costs the NHS around ?10 million a year. And it could have serious health consequences for patients.

Organic milk is better for you, say scientists

Britain's beleaguered organic sector receives a boost today with a study that suggests organic milk is healthier than the ordinary variety. The European Union-funded study analysed 22 brands sold in supermarkets and found that organic milk had lower levels of harmful saturated fats and more beneficial fatty acids than conventional milk.
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