Health news 14th October 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Britons need to cut 5billion calories a day
Five billion calories a day must be slashed from the nation?s diet as part of the war on obesity. Britons eat on average 10 per cent more calories a day than they need and Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said adults needed to eat less to shed weight. But the call came as Mr Lansley said that the recommended daily calorie intake should be raised. He believes this will make the calorie target more realistic for modern-day life and allow *people to make better diet decisions.

That's a fat lot of good: A crackdown on obesity, but no pressure on the food giants
The nation?s daily diet needs to be slashed by five billion calories to prevent an obesity epidemic, the Government warned yesterday. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said that the country is collectively over-indulging in the equivalent of 17million cheeseburgers every day. His latest plans rely on consumers being ?more honest? about what they eat. But doctors and campaigners, including TV chef Jamie Oliver, described them as ?woefully inadequate? and an ?abdication of the Government?s responsibility to protect public health?.

Anger as wonder drug is denied to cancer patients
Thousands of people have been ?handed a death sentence? after a wonder drug that doubles survival rates for the most dangerous form of skin cancer was rejected for use on the NHS. Doctors and campaigners have launched a furious backlash at the drug rationing body?s decision not to approve the breakthrough treatment which it claims is too expensive. The drug, ipilimumab, has been hailed as the biggest breakthrough in skin cancer treatment for more than 30 years and gives precious extra years of life to those who would once have been told the disease was terminal.

Sharp rise in NHS patients waiting more than 18 weeks for care

The number of patients waiting more than the recommended maximum of 18 weeks to be treated by the NHS has soared by almost half since last year, official data shows. A total of 28,635 patients in England who were treated in an NHS hospital during August had been waiting more than 18 weeks, compared with 19,355 in the same month in 2010 ? a rise of 48%. The figures, released by the Department of Health, confirm that despite repeated ministerial pledges that the NHS would stick to waiting time targets despite growing financial pressure, the number of people having to wait beyond the department's own recommended maximum time is rising.
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