Health news 14th November 2011

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Open wide, it'll help your heart: Regular trips to the dentist cut heart attack risk by a quarter

Visiting a dental hygienist isn?t just good for your teeth ? it could also protect your heart, researchers claim. They found that those who have their teeth professionally cleaned and polished at least once a year cut their risk of a heart attack by nearly a quarter. And they are 13 per cent less likely to have a stroke compared to those who have never had the treatment.

Wonder drug to kill off cancer

A drug that makes cancer cells ?commit suicide? could wipe out some of the most deadly forms of the disease. And last night scientists said it could also prove highly effective against other, less virulent, types of cancer. The radical new drug will bring fresh hope to patients with aggressive and deadly tumours and could be available in as little as five years.

Lansley threatens to sack NHS chiefs who ration care to save money

Health secretary aims to end 'minimum waiting times' before patients can receive elective treatments at private hospitals. Health secretary Andrew Lansley is to announce that he is prepared to sack NHS bosses who attempt to save money by rationing treatment or making patients wait longer for operations.

How alcohol and obesity fuel soaring cancer rates

Britons are eating and drinking themselves to death according to a report that shows the UK has more cases of throat cancer than anywhere else in Europe. Experts say alcohol and obesity are to blame for the alarming rate of oesophageal cancer, as well as liver cancer ? up by more than 70 per cent. About 6.4 out of every 100,000 people develop cancer of the oesophagus in Britain each year, almost double the European average of 3.3.

Health spin doctor joins Asda... The supermarket that backed her ?250m anti-obesity drive

A former breakfast TV presenter was at the centre of a conflict of interest row last night after moving from a high-powered Whitehall job to a lucrative position with Asda, which worked with her on a Government campaign. Ex-GMTV political reporter Sian Jarvis, who quit as the Department of Health?s leading spin doctor in September, has been hired as a lobbyist and communications chief by the supermarket giant. Asda was heavily involved in the DoH?s flagship healthy eating programme, Change4Life.

Cancer patients lose chance of children after hospital destroys frozen sperm

Cancer patients face being told they have lost the chance to father children after a scandal-hit NHS fertility unit accidentally destroyed their frozen sperm. The samples came from men who were preparing to undergo surgery or radiotherapy for conditions such as testicular cancer and leukaemia. Such treatment can leave patients infertile, so the men had chosen to freeze their sperm at IVF Wales in Cardiff in the hope it would allow them to have children in the future.

Without consent: how drugs companies exploit Indian 'guinea pigs'

Western pharmaceutical companies have seized on India over the past five years as a testing ground for drugs ? making the most of a huge population and loose regulations which help dramatically cut research costs for lucrative products to be sold in the West. The relationship is so exploitative that some believe it represents a new colonialism.

Millions suffer 'home fever' as allergy epidemic begins to bite

They are the spider-like creatures eager for your warmth and a bed for the night. They remain invisible to the naked eye. And millions of them may already have taken up residence in your home. Now the house dust mite is behind an unprecedented rise in household allergies, with at least 12 million Britons allergic to their own homes, according to new research. Cases of perennial allergic rhinitis ? known as "home fever" ? have risen dramatically, with dust mites accounting for 58 per cent of all household allergies. The figure has risen by more than 10 per cent over the past year.

Just two fizzy drinks a day increases risk of heart disease... even if you?re not putting on weight

Women who drink just two fizzy drinks a day are more likely to develop heart disease warn scientists. According to a study of over 4,000 women aged 45 to 84, those who regularly consume sugary soft drinks are more prone to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and expanding waistlines. However findings reveal that this pattern does not apply for men.
ROFL at the last one, do you think I should stop using Lucozade for hypos then?
The frozen sperm story is shocking, as if they haven't got enough to contend with then to be told this😡
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