Health News 14th May 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Family of Sam Sinclair, who died of Diabetes complications, to take part in Great North Run
THE family of a York teenager who died after developing diabetes have decided to take part in the Great North Run to help other victims of the illness. Sam Sinclair, from the Tadcaster Road area, died in November, aged 19, after Type 1 diabetes complications developed. Lisa Stafford, Northern and Yorkshire Regional Fundraising Manager, quoted.

Superheroes to run 10k for Diabetes UK

A TIMPERLEY woman is donning lycra shorts and a sparkly cape this weekend to tackle the Great Manchester Run for charity. 24-year-old Gemma Haddow from Wellington Road will become a green glittery superhero on Sunday May 16 when she runs the 10k in aid of Diabetes UK. Rachael Goodwin, North West Regional Fundraising Manager, quoted.

Deafness cure breakthrough as scientists create tiny ear hairs from stem cells
A cure for deafness could be on the horizon after scientists created specialised ear cells in the lab. Grown in their thousands, the delicate hairs could one day be transplanted into the inner ear, restoring hearing to millions. The breakthrough comes after ten years of painstaking research.

Spoonful of sugar eases pain of jabs for babies
A spoonful of sugar really does help the medicine go down. Giving sweet substances to children before a vaccination jab means they experience less pain and are more comfortable, a study has found. Medical staff are being urged to consider giving babies a sweet drink of either sugar or glucose before immunising them because it gives an 'improved reaction' to injections.

NHS cuts may be deeper than expected, warns Lansley

Andrew Lansley, the new health secretary, yesterday signalled that the NHS may need to make more savings than the previously announced ?20bn in efficiency cuts, a move health experts described as "extremely ambitious" and unions warned could have a "devastating impact" on hospitals.

Heart failure treatment more effective in women: research

A treatment for heart failure can reduce deaths among women by 72 per cent but not in men, research has found. Research has found that for patients with heart failure, where the heart does not beat with sufficient force, a pacemaker and defibrillator device is more effective in women than in men. The device which is implanted in the body makes the two sides of the heart beat together and the defibrillator part delivers tiny shocks when the heartbeat is too fast.
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