Health news 14th July 2010

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Hospitals 'eyeing private market'
All hospitals have been told to go for foundation trust status NHS hospitals will be looking to exploit a host of "exciting" opportunities to move into private health markets, bosses say. Self-governing hospitals - known as foundation trusts - have had their private income capped to date, but this is to be lifted in the NHS overhaul.

Britain?s heaviest woman lives in Essex
Britain?s heaviest woman lives in Essex and weighs 45 stone after a failed gastric bypass operation. The woman's long-term partner has infuriated medical workers by bringing her junk food Photo: PA The woman, who has not been named, needs 24 hour medical care after she had vowed to change her eating habits. She underwent a gastric bypass but a few months after the operation she developed complications and was admitted to hospital.

Eat for you... not two: Pregnant women are risking their health by piling on pounds
Expectant mothers who eat for two could jeopardise their health for decades, doctors warned last night. Women who put on too much weight in pregnancy are more than four times as likely to be obese 20 years later as those who follow doctors' guidelines.

Log on, get fat: Being at a computer makes us crave chocolate and sweet treats
Computers can make you fat - and not just from lack of exercise. Research shows that staring at a computer screen makes us work up an appetite for sweet treats like chocolate cake and biscuits. It is thought that the mental stress of computer work triggers changes in blood sugar and hormone levels that trick the brain into thinking it has worked off lots of calories that need replaced.

Being obese at 20 'doubles your risk of dying early'
Men who are obese by the age of 20 have double of the risk of dying prematurely, new research has found. The findings are particularly worrying for Britain's youngsters who have been labelled the 'junk food generation', with a third of youngsters aged five to 13 already considered obese.

Stem cell method put to the test in Parkinson's study

Scientists hope to better understand how Parkinson's develops The UK's first major study of a disease using stem cells, which does not involve the need to create and destroy embryos, is being launched. A Oxford University team will use induced pluripotent stem (IPS) cells - adult stem cells which have the ability to become any cell in the human body - to examine Parkinson's disease.
I like the "beng on a computer makes you crave chocolate" one!

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