Health news 14th January 2011

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Type 1
Weaning before six months 'may help breastfed babies'
Relying purely on breastfeeding for the first six months might not be best for babies, experts in the UK have warned. In the British Medical Journal, the team said breastfed babies may benefit from being given solid food earlier.

GM chickens created that could prevent the spread of bird flu

Scientists have produced genetically modified chickens that appear to prevent the spread of avian influenza. Though the chickens can themselves become infected with flu viruses such as H5N1, say the researchers, they cannot pass on the virus to any other birds with which they come into contact.

Flu death toll rises as millions at risk remain unvaccinated
An estimated 4 million people in England who are at risk of severe complications or death if they contract seasonal flu remain unvaccinated this year, government health officials said yesterday.

The officials said there was "extreme difficulty" in getting the importance of immunisation across to those most at risk, with the news coming as the Department of Health revealed that 112 people across the UK had died from flu-related illness since September, with the highest number in the 45 to 64 age range.
My two seemed to be extra hungry when they got to four months so I started to wean them anyway. They are now happy healthy 29-year-olds! Just follow your instincts.
I breastfed all four of mine until at least 18 months, with solids introduced gradually after about 6 months-ish. My two boys are T1, and my two girls are not....... more research is needed, I think!
The 6 month idea always seemed odd to me anyway - as when do you start from when the baby was born or when it was due to be born. I guess I am asking if a baby is born a month premature were you expected to breast feed for seven months.
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