Health news 14th February 2012

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Grow your own muscle to mend damaged heart
A remarkable medical breakthrough has seen heart attack patients have their damaged heart muscle repaired with a stem cell injection.

?Silent killer? alert
Tens of thousands of Britons are at risk from a stroke or heart attack because their blood pressure is too high.

Opt-out on organ donation planned
Wales is looking to become the first UK country to introduce an opt-out scheme for organ donation ? where a patient is considered to have given consent for their organs to be used unless they have made it clear they do not ? after a report cast doubt on whether the current system could meet growing demand. The British Medical Association yesterday said other options included restarting hearts, using more organs from elderly people and hearts from babies who have no chance of survival.

Ministers 'fully behind' Lansley and NHS reforms, says Cameron
David Cameron will stage a high-profile hospital visit tomorrow as he attempts to win the public-relations battle over the Government's controversial health reforms. The Prime Minister will intervene after the plans to overhaul the structure of the NHS came under fire last week from three unnamed Tory cabinet ministers. Downing Street was forced yesterday to express Mr Cameron's full confidence in Andrew Lansley as Health Secretary amid fresh criticism of his failure to make the case for the Health and Social Care Bill. A spokesman insisted Mr Cameron was "fully committed to the reform and modernisation of the health service".

Progressive blindness cases to rise by a third in a decade
The number of people suffering from progressive blindness is set to rise by a third in the space of a decade, amid growing concern that the NHS has significantly underestimated the prevalence of the condition, new research warns. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) accounts for more than half of registered blind people in the UK. An ageing population means the number of severe or late-stage cases is expected to increase to 679,000 by 2020, according to scientists at St George's, University of London.

NHS reforms: government concedes raft of fresh amendments
The government has conceded a fresh raft of amendments to its NHS reforms despite the prime minister and his Lib Dem deputy coming out to defend the embattled health secretary, Andrew Lansley. Downing Street launched an offensive, dismissing a call by the Lib Dem deputy party leader, Simon Hughes, for Lansley to leave office. The prime minister's spokesman said: "It's not an issue for Simon Hughes. The government is fully behind the health bill."

Shirley Williams says Lansley should drop NHS competition clauses
The government's health reforms have been plunged into fresh doubt by a call from the Liberal Democrat peer Shirley Williams for Andrew Lansley to drop competition from the health bill ? hours after the prime minister and his Lib Dem deputy defended the health secretary. Writing in the Guardian, Lady Williams calls for the government to drop the chapter on competition, adding that the public has a fear of privatisation founded on the idea that GPs "might become dependent on advice from powerful private health companies, and that the imposition of UK and European competition laws, addressed to markets and not to social goals, might destroy the public service principles of the NHS".

Breast cancer sufferers denied two drugs on NHS
Up to 2,000 women with a specific form of breast cancer that has spread to other parts of the body should not be treated with two drugs, Tyverb and Herceptin, because they are too expensive, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (Nice) said. Although the drugs have been shown to reduce the growth of tumours, Nice experts ruled the benefit was too small to justify the additional ?50,000 per patient per year cost.

Be careful what you say! Babies learn meaning of words months earlier than first thought
Proud parents have long suspected that behind their baby?s gurgling lies a mind that is keen and sharp. And now scientists have confirmed that those as young as six months can understand a wide vocabulary, and that if parents speak to them normally it could improve their language skills later on. A study by psychologists suggests that babies can understand words months before they can say them, confounds traditional scientific thinking that they start to grasp their meaning at about a year old.

58st and a ?500,000 bill: But I deserve NHS support says world's fattest man
Lying in his reinforced bed, 58-stone Keith Martin yesterday defended the estimated ?50,000 a year he costs the taxpayer ? by comparing himself to others who receive help, such as smokers or injured rock climbers. Believed to be the world?s fattest man, the bed-bound 42-year-old cannot even roll over on his own.
He is visited by seven carers a day, who wash and change him in two shifts, plus two nurses every other day who tend to his bed sores.

Protein that halts cancer discovered by British scientists
They found the OPCML molecule, active in normal tissue, is switched off in cancer cells.

New flu fears as vaccination rates among pregnant women fall by a third
Flu vaccination rates among pregnant women are a third lower than this time last year, according to Health Protection Agency data.

I beat rarest cancer in the world
Doctors gave Mark Fradgley no hope of recovery but two years on he is enjoying life to the full, says Jenny Hudson.

How to have a happy heart
Even if you are not planning a day of romance, spare a thought for matters of the heart this Valentine?s Day.

I break out in a rash if I kiss my Valentine
Rachel Prince, 24, suffers from an extremely rare water allergy. The part-time model was diagnosed with water allergy aquagenic urticaria in 2004. It affects just one in 230million worldwide and has no known treatment.
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