Health news 14th December 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetics could soon 'grow their own insulin'
Scientists may have found a way of curing diabetes - at least in men. They have used tiny slivers of testicular tissue to make millions of healthy replacements for the faulty cells behind the condition. Diabetes UK mentioned.

UK among Europe's unhealthiest nations, report suggests

The UK is one of the unhealthiest nations in Europe for some health indicators, data suggests. Figures from the Association of Public Health Observatories reveal the UK is the fattest EU member and has one of the highest rates of teen pregnancies.

Experts warn of 'epidemic' of worn out heart valves
The UK needs to prepare for an epidemic of valvular heart disease, caused by a rapidly ageing population, say experts. With four million people set to be aged 75 to 84 within a few years, surgeons see a rise in the number of transplants to replace worn out valves.

Private healthcare market to face OFT study

An investigation into how well the private healthcare market is working is being planned by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). It will examine the nature of competition in the market, as well as whether it is fully competitive.
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