Health news 14th-16th Augist 2010

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Type 1
Spider man a hero for charity
A SEVERE arachnophobe, who twice called police after finding a spider in his bathtub, held a tarantula for charity. Marc Weinberg, 43, has been petrified of eight-legged creatures since childhood. He once abandoned his car - with the keys still in the engine - after a spider crawled inside and fled a bus he was supposed to be driving when a little money spider climbed aboard. Diabetes UK mentioned. Aug 2010 09:52:03:270

Wrexham invited to join UK's biggest health study
Samples are stored for 30 years in a hi-tech freezer Wrexham residents are being asked to join a scheme which it is hoped could help develop treatments for illnesses like cancer and heart disease. UK Biobank wants 40-69-year-olds to undergo tests which scientists hope will help explain why some people get serious illnesses and others do not.

Letters special: It's simplistic to blame bad health on 'recklessness'

The articles about and by Professor Steve Field in the Observer("Top GP slams Britons for neglecting their health", News; "Don't take offence if we lecture you", Comment) raise important public health concerns. The UK is suffering an increase in diseases caused by poor diet, lack of exercise, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. However, the implication by Prof Field that these health problems are due to "reckless public behaviour towards food, alcohol and cigarettes" is simplistic, given the weight of evidence that the "choices" people make are influenced by broader social, economic and environmental factors.

Pledge to end mixed-sex hospital wards by end of 2010
The coalition government is preparing to announce an end to most mixed-sex hospital wards in England by the end of the year, it has been reported. Despite Labour committing to the policy when it won power in 1997, it failed to completely abolish them. Health Secretary Andrew Lansley said bringing about the change was a priority, but patients' groups have questioned how it could be achieved.

Obese visit GP more often than smokers, researchers say

Obesity has been linked with several chronic diseases Overweight people are more likely to make frequent trips to their GP than smokers or those who are generally unfit, say Dutch researchers. The findings cannot be explained by overweight people having a higher risk of chronic diseases, such as diabetes, the analysis showed.

Synthetic blood breakthrough after scientists 'produce red cells from IVF embryos'
Red blood cells have been created from spare IVF embryos cells for the first time in Britain, as part of a multi-million pound project to manufacture synthetic blood on an industrial-scale, scientists said. Pints of blood at hospital blood bank: Blood supplies face a constant threat of shortages, with more than 2.5million donations needed annually for transfusions and blood products. Photo: ALAMY Researchers used more than a 100 spare embryos left over from treatment at fertility clinics to establish several embryonic stem cell ?lines?. One of those lines, known as RC-7, was transformed into blood stem cells before they were converted into red cells containing haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying pigment.
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