Health news 13th September 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Thousands of undiagnosed diabetes cases in county - says report
Thousands of people who are unaware they have Type 2 diabetes are putting themselves at serious risk. According to Diabetes UK, as many as 9,000 Gloucestershire residents could have the condition which can lead to blindness, kidney failure, stroke and heart disease. The charity is now calling on health trusts to prioritise screening for at risk groups. The total number of people in the county with diabetes, diagnosed and undiagnosed, is reported as 34,071. Graham Cooper, South West Regional Manager, quoted.

You may not know you have diabetes
Nearly 2,000 people in the town have diabetes and know nothing about it according to the latest figures released by a leading health charity. Diabetes UK says there are 10,142 people in Swindon who have a form of diabetes ? but nearly 20 per cent of those have not yet been diagnosed. Graham Cooper, South West Regional Manager, quoted.

Rogue protein 'may spark diabetes'
Amyloid could 'directly poison' pancreas cells Shedding light on how a malfunctioning protein helps trigger type 2 diabetes could one day offer the chance to halt the damage, say scientists. The presence of amyloid protein may produce a chain reaction which destroys vital insulin-producing cells. Researchers based in Dublin, writing in the journal Nature Immunology, say future drugs could target this process.

Colon cancer cases 'may rise 50%'

The Dutch are avid cyclists The UK is heading for a 50% increase in the number of new colon cancer cases over the next 30 years, says an international team of scientists. The forecast, in the European Journal of Cancer, is for 35,000 new cases a year by 2040, compared with 23,000 now.

Red Cross to give children drinking first-aid advice

The Red Cross is to offer young people guidance on dealing with emergencies resulting from drinking excess alcohol, after a survey showed primary-school age children were finding themselves confronted with the problem. Some have been forced to cope with friends being heavily sick, getting injured or lying unconscious, according to a poll of 2,500 youngsters for the charity. One in seven (14%) children aged 11 to 16 have witnessed an emergency due to drunkenness, with one in 10 dealing with sickness, injury or unconsciousness, including situations after drunken fights.

Found, the gene that causes short-sight: Now experts say condition could be halted by eye drops
A gene that causes short-sightedness has been pinpointed by British scientists, paving the way for eye drops that could make glasses history. Within just ten years, a drug that prevents short-sightedness or stops it in its tracks could be in widespread use. Millions would be spared the inconvenience and expense of contact lenses, spectacles and laser surgery. Given in childhood, the eye drops could also spare school pupils anxieties about having to wear glasses.
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