Health news 13th July 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Driver's diabetes not cause of crash

The driver of a bus in which two schoolchildren died after it collided with an oncoming car on the wrong side of the road told an inquest yesterday that he thought everyone on board would be killed. David Ratcliffe said the front of his packed 49-seater coach "exploded" and overturned across the carriageway on the A66 near Keswick, Cumbria, in May last. "I thought to myself, we were all goners," he told the hearing at Cleator Moor.

King's Fund claims NHS is affordable

Andrew Lansley is wrong ? the NHS is not unaffordable, a leading health economist has said.

John Appleby, chief economist at the King's Fund, said the Health Secretary's argument that reform is essential if the NHS is to survive financially is based on a flawed analysis. "Spending on health will be a matter of choice not affordability," he said.

Drinking too much water 'can be bad for your health': Benefits are a myth
It is said to help us prevent kidney damage, lose weight and increase concentration levels.

But experts now warn that drinking eight glasses of water a day is not good for you after all ? and could be harmful. They say that scientific claims behind long-standing government guidelines are worse than ?nonsense?.

Asthma link to premature births
Women with poorly-managed asthma have a higher chance of giving birth early or having a small baby, a review of evidence suggests. Experts in Australia and the US also found a link with other complications, including pre-eclampsia.
I dont care what the daily fail say I will continue to drink my 2-3 litres of water a day!
I have just been listening to a Dietitian's take on the story about water consumption. It is a very poorly thought out article in her opinion.

She reckons we lose over a litre of fluid a day naturally, this is on a day when it is not hot, and very few people would be able to exceed their daily requirements without becoming very ill. It is almost impossible to drink too much without becoming ill. We need water, whether it is from our foods or teas and coffees and by just drinking water, to keep our body systems at their peak.
She recommended that sometimes when you are trying to lose weight and feel hungry then try drinking a glass of water as you may actually be thirsty as opposed to hungry.

The benefits are mental alertness, good health, lower blood sugars for diabetics. A Type2 on diet and exercise hasn't got much ammunition to reduce their blood sugar but drinking water does help. I often wonder if it dilutes sugar in the blood.
I do believe your own body will tell you when you are suitably refreshed and hydrated.
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