Health news 13th February 2012

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Type 1
Impact of Tories' botched health reforms revealed as bosses warn staff will be cut
NHS bosses have warned the shake-up will endanger patients, lead to staff cuts and do lasting damage to the reputation of the service

Doctors' radical plan to tackle organ shortage
Patients could be kept alive solely so they can become organ donors, hearts could be retrieved from newborn babies for the first time, and body parts could be taken from high-risk donors as part of an urgent medical and ethical revolution to ease Britain's chronic shortage of organs, doctors' leaders say.

Joy and grief of the organ transplant waiting list
Shortages are prompting renewed debate in the medical world about what more could be done to boost donation.

Fears of Coalition split as Simon Hughes breaks ranks and calls for Lansley to be sacked over controversial health reforms
The deputy leader of the Liberal Democrats yesterday called for Health Secretary Andrew Lansley to be sacked over plans to reform the NHS. In a move that threatens to split the Coalition, Simon Hughes broke ranks, undermining efforts by David Cameron and senior Tories to shore up Mr Lansley?s position. The Prime Minister has told friends that he intends to keep the Health Secretary in the post while he remains in No 10.

Immune cells use 'starvation tactics' on HIV
Scientists have shown how some cells in the body can repel attacks from HIV by starving the virus of the building blocks of life.

How eating too much could double risk of memory loss
Overeating could more than double the risk of memory loss among elderly people, a study has found. Researchers discovered that those who consumed more than 2,100 calories a day were far more likely to have 'mild cognitive impairment' than those who ate less. The findings suggest that keeping to a low-calorie diet in old age could keep the mind sharp ? and may even prevent the onset of Alzheimer's disease.

Health alert over drug sold as 'safe ketamine'
A new legal high misleadingly marketed as a safe substitute for ketamine is becoming increasingly popular in the UK, experts have warned. Methoxetamine, known as MXE or "mexxy", mimics the effects of the banned anaesthetic ketamine, and its use has grown over the last six months in Britain as well as northern Europe, say charity workers. A survey of drug trends published in November showed that the use of both ketamine, which is a class C drug, and methoxetamine, its "legal doppelg?nger", is on the rise in several areas of the UK.

Brave twins struck blind by rare disorder
Twin brothers have told of their devastation after both lost their sight to a rare condition that affects just a few hundred people in Britain.

Sex change British man gives birth to son
A man who used to be a woman has become Britain's first "male mother" by giving birth to a son.
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