Health news 12th October 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Lords set to vote on NHS reforms
The government is bracing for a Lords vote on its controversial health reforms today, with one minister warning that any amendment delaying the bill could have "grave implications" and kill it off. The amendment ? tabled by two crossbenchers, Lord Owen and Lord Hennessy ? could gain a majority in the house and either severely delay or damage the health reforms beyond repair. The health minister, Earl Howe, has written to peers saying this could completely derail the NHS bill. Owen and Hennessy would like to see the third section of the legislation, which deals with ideas of competition in the NHS, sent to a select committee with the ability to call witnesses for further consideration.

NHS reforms D-day
David Cameron?s bid to dismantle the NHS and open it up to greedy profiteers faces its final hurdle today with a House of Lords vote. But as a worried nation puts its faith in peers they hope will bring the PM?s dangerous reforms to a shuddering halt, it was claimed yesterday 40 members of the chamber have a vested interest in seeing hospitals privatised. People hoping for a fair and objective vote based on what is best for patients could be in for a disappointment over the revelations that lords and baronesses carry out a variety of work for health firms that could cash in on the changes.

NHS breast screening is leading to needless treatment, say scientists
The NHS breast screening programme is picking up many cancers that might just have gone away if they had not been detected, according to an analysis. Scientists from the Nordic Cochrane Collaboration argue that up to a third of women who go for breast screening are over-diagnosed and over-treated. Their evidence comes from a large Swedish trial, the findings of which were the justification for the launch of the NHS screening programme.

Wonder diet cures heart disease
A simple diet packed with fruit and raw vegetables is the key to beating heart disease. Experts who carried out one of the largest diet and heart studies conducted, found the potent mixture of these everyday foods can have a major impact on long-term health. Eating high levels of the combination daily has been shown to dramatically weaken the effects of a key gene in the body which is a big cause of heart disease. In a major breakthrough, their analysis found that those who ate a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables significantly reduced the influence of the gene, effectively protecting them from developing the killer disease.

High doses of vitamin E 'can significantly increase risk of prostate cancer'
High doses of vitamin E can significantly increase the risk of men developing prostate cancer, says a major study. The chances of developing the disease rose by 17 per cent, even years after men stopped taking the vitamin, claim researchers. The latest warning over potential harm caused by vitamin supplements follows a study which found women taking multivitamins and other supplements have an increased risk of dying.

HIV life expectancy rises in UK, study finds
Life expectancy for people with HIV in the UK has increased by 15 years in the past decade, thanks to modern drugs and earlier treatment, a study suggests. Health authorities should consider more widespread testing for HIV, given the benefits of early treatment, UK researchers report in the BMJ.
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