Health news 12th-13th February 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Charity's concern at alcohol-related hospital admission
The number of people admitted to hospital in the UK because of problem drinking could rise to 1.5 million a year by 2015, a charity says. Alcohol Concern estimates that it will cost the NHS ?3.7bn annually if nothing is done to stop the increase.

Council cuts 'put more pressure on the NHS'

The NHS will have to deal with the fall-out from some of the cuts being announced by councils, experts predict. Health bosses, public health chiefs and charities told the BBC the close working relationship between the two meant consequences were "inevitable".

Doctors would 'bypass NHS sexual health vaccine'

Nine out of 10 specialists working in sexual health would give their daughters a private vaccine rather than use the NHS one, according to a survey. The British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH) questioned 520 sexual health professionals in the UK.

Scramble back to eggs! Forget those high cholesterol warnings, they're healthier than ever, say experts
If you're eyeing up your breakfast options and fancy going to work on an egg, there?s no need to hold back. For after years of telling us to shun them as an everyday food, the health police now say that eggs have become better for us.

Mothers-to-be will be taught to hypnotise themselves before giving birth in NHS trial
Expectant mothers will be taught to hypnotise themselves before giving birth as an alternative to painkillers. They will learn to put themselves in a trance-like state during labour in the hope that they will not need costly drug treatments such as epidurals, laughing gas or morphine.

More than 800 first-time mothers will take part in the 18-month NHS trial study on the effectiveness of hypnobirthing.
One of my friends used the hypnotism approach - it seemed to help with the first but not the second.
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