Health news 11th November 2011

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Type 1
Andy Burnham: social care cuts are 'dementia tax'

Andy Burnham, the Shadow Health Secretary, has hit out at local authority social care budget cuts, describing them as the Government's "dementia tax". Mr Burnham's said the cuts, which are hitting the number of residential home places available and the provision of home help, were disproportionately affecting "the most vulnerable members of our society".

Fibre and whole grains 'reduce bowel cancer risk'

Eating more cereals and whole grains could reduce the risk of developing colorectal cancer, a BMJ study says. Researchers from Imperial College London found that for every 10g a day increase in fibre intake, there was a 10% drop in the risk of bowel cancer.

Skin transformed for cancer fight

Scientists have opened up the possibility of one day using cancer patients' own skin to fight their tumours. Oxford University researchers transformed skin cells into immune cells, which could be used to trigger a hunt for cancer.

Repeat offenders appear to have worse health in middle-age

A life of crime appears to damage offenders' health once they reach their 40s, new research suggests. Researchers from Cardiff and Texas universities looked at data on 400 men who have been followed since childhood.

A real-life Mighty Mouse: Rodent with double the normal muscle strength created in lab

A ?mighty mouse? with double the normal muscle strength has been created by scientists looking for ways to treat age-related diseases. It not only has bigger muscles but, in tests, could run for twice as long on the treadmill. Swiss scientists created the ?super strong marathon mice? by tweaking a gene and found without it the rodents? muscles bulked up and they had more energy.
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