Health News 11th May 2010

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Could this jab really halt diabetes in just six days
A new drug could stop diabetes in its tracks in just six days. The drug, called otelixizumab, appears to halt the rapid decline in the body's production of insulin. It works by switching off the immune system's self-destruct mechanism that causes type 1 diabetes. Dr Iain Frame, director of research at Diabetes UK, quoted.

A Bournemouth man who has diabetes is set to ride 20km in his wheelchair to raise awareness of the condition and kickstart a local support group for other diabetic people. Lee Nevitt, 35, who has Type 1 diabetes and nerve damage complications, has challenged himself to ride 20km along the promenade from Hengistbury Head to Sandbanks, near Bournemouth, in his wheelchair on June 19. Zoe Steer, Regional Fundraising Manager of Diabetes UK South West, quoted.

Eating nuts can lower cholesterol, say experts
Eating nuts may help lower cholesterol levels, US research suggests. The review of 25 studies, involving nearly 600 people, showed eating on average 67g of nuts - a small bag - a day reduced cholesterol levels by 7.4%. The US Loma Linda University team believes nuts may help prevent the absorption of cholesterol.

Don?t blame it on the burgers

For years, fat has been thought to cause heart disease, diabetes and obesity. But new evidence suggests it may not be the culprit after all. One of the classic plotlines of detective fiction has the DA, the mayor and the press all convinced that they have identified the killer ? all that remains is to put him away for a long time. But a lone detective, usually plagued by his own demons, thinks they?ve got the wrong man; the real killer is still out there, ready to strike again.

Patients 'should be warned about the link between air pollution and heart disease'
Heart disease sufferers should be warned about the dangers of air pollution in light of growing evidence of the risks, experts have warned. They said the case for a link had ?substantially strengthened" in recent years. Patients with the condition, as well as older people at risk of developing the disease, should reduce their exposure as much as possible, they recommend.

Four out of five children not getting enough fruit and veg 'putting future health at risk'
Four out of five children are not getting their ?five a day? potentially storing up health problems for the future, a cancer charity has warned. Official figures show that children aged between five and 15 have an average of three portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Experts recommend that a balanced diet should include five portions of fruit and vegetables a day. As a slogan, the mantra has been enthusiastically taken up by health campaigns and food manufacturers in recent years.
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