Health news 11th March 2011

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Type 1
Doubts emerge over heart risk to 'apple shape'
Doubts have been raised over the idea that being overweight and "apple shaped" increases heart attack risk. A study in the Lancet found the risk of heart attack was not increased by fat being concentrated around the waist.

Coffee can cut chance of a stroke
Women should drink a couple of cups of coffee a day to reduce their risk of a stroke, experts say. Scientists believe that drinking coffee could also help ward off diabetes and liver cancer.

New fertility treatment to be assessed by regulator

Health Secretary Andrew Lansley has asked the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority to assess a controversial new fertility treatment. The "three-parent IVF" technique pioneered at Newcastle University involves the transfer of human genetic material between two fertilised eggs.

Scientists claim peanut allergy 'gene flaw' link

A gene defect that can triple the risk of a child developing an allergy to peanuts has been identified, scientists have said. An international research team led by Dundee University said it had made a "significant breakthrough" in understanding the disease.

Flu jab ?for every adult on the planet'

Only worldwide mass vaccinations can prevent a possible deadly flu pandemic, experts warned yesterday. People under 50 are at risk of the H2N2 strain ? similar to the H1N1 swine flu virus that struck fear across the world in 2009. Four million people are thought to have died in the last devastating global outbreak of the H2N2 bug in the 1950s and 1960s.

Revolutionary new X-ray treatment that could save the sight of thousands
An X-ray treatment that could save the sight of thousands is being trialled on the NHS. The 15-minute procedure has been shown to halt wet age-related macular degeneration, one of the most common forms of blindness in the elderly.

Plea to reduce stillborn births
Hundreds of bereaved parents have signed a petition calling on the Government to prioritise maternity services, which will be delivered to Number 10 today. Among the signatories are Annie Lennox, the singer and campaigner, and Kym Marsh, the Coronation Street actress, who have both lost babies.
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