Health news 11th June 2010

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Torridge District Council Supports Diabetes Week
Diabetes Week is Diabetes UK?s - the charity for people with diabetes, their family, friends and carers - annual UK-wide awareness and fundraising week. This year Diabetes Week is from June 13th to 19th. According to the charity, there are currently over 2.6 million people with diabetes in the UK and there are up to half a million people with diabetes who have the condition and don't know it.

Why Can't I Fly?: Sussex Author Gets Inspired By Her Daughter?s Illness

Trisha Bridger, 39, from Uckfield, East Sussex, is the author and illustrator of 'Why Can't I Fly?', written by Trisha for her daughter Niamh. Niamh, aged 7, who has Type 1 diabetes, has had a turbulent journey with her illness and also with the emotional, mental and physical challenges she has had to endure for her very young age. Diabetes UK mentioned.

BEXLEY: Diabetics prove a long and normal life is possible
A GROUP of diabetics who have lived with their condition for more than 50 years have been celebrating with the hospital staff who care for them. The group, who all suffer from Type 1 diabetes were invited for lunch at the diabetics centre at Queen Mary?s Hospital, Sidcup, to celebrate their achievement. Diabetes UK mentioned.

Cancer drug could save eyesight of tens of thousands
A drug used to treat several cancers can also stave off sight loss in elderly people, claim researchers. A new study shows Avastin is effective in treating wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an eye disorder that leads to blindness. Some doctors have been prescribing the drug for AMD even though it is not licensed for the condition, because it is cheaper than the current treatment called Lucentis.

Why home of the brave is also home of the unhealthy: 97.5% of Scots are classified 'at risk'
As the home of delicacies including the deep-fried Mars Bar and Irn Bru, the Scots are not renowned for their clean living. And it seems the country's reputation may be well deserved - with almost every inhabitant leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

One in four damaging their health by working all day without breaks
One in four people work all day without taking a break which is putting them at risk of serious health problems including back pain, obesity and depression, a new report has warned. More than half of the 3,000 people polled by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapists said they went to work when feeling unwell or stressed. A quarter took no lunch break at all.

Autism and genetics: A breakthrough that sheds light on a medical mystery
Scientists have discovered the first significant link between autism and DNA, in a study that could revolutionise understanding of this disturbing behavioural disorder which affects more than half-a-million Britons. The researchers believe the changes they have found to the genetic make-up of autistic children play a significant role in causing the developmental illness. Their findings could eventually lead to early diagnostic tests for autism and new forms of treatment, based on counteracting the fundamental errors in a patient's genetic code.

Labour and Tories vote down SNP alcohol plan
MSPs yesterday defied growing calls to back a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland and voted against the SNP?s flagship plans which are aimed at curbing the nation?s drinking culture. Labour and Tory MSPs rejected the idea of setting a minimum price per unit of alcohol despite an eleventh hour plea from the Church of Scotland, alcohol experts and doctors leaders to support the idea.
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