Health news 11th January 2012

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Statins could be linked to increased risk of diabetes in middle age and older women
Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins may be linked to an increased risk of diabetes in middle-aged and older women, according to a U.S. study.

Have you really had your greens? New test to tell doctors what we?re eating

A simple test to check whether patients are eating their recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables a day could be introduced in Britain within five years.

NHS hospitals spending less than ?5 a day on patients' meals
Many hospitals are spending as little as ?2.57 on meals for patients, according to new figures which sparked claims by patients' advocates that nutritional standards are slipping as NHS managers try to save money.

Simple jab that could cure Britain?s obesity crisis

A simple once-a-day fat-busting jab could be the key to battling *Britain?s obesity crisis.

Is breast really best? Study finds babies fed on formula milk cry less and are easier to get to sleep

It is often said that breast is best. But bottle-fed babies are the best behaved.

If the surgeons young or old, put the operation on hold

Patients looking for the safest care should hope for a surgeon aged between 35 and 50, according to a study published in the British Medical Journal today.

Andrew Lansley under pressure to offer replacement breast implants on NHS
Women in Wales who had faulty breast implants put in by private clinics will be able to get them replaced free on the NHS, the Welsh Government promised last night (Tuesday) - putting pressure on Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, to match the position.

Nice- approved drugs must be made available, pledges Andrew Lansley
Mr Lansley promised to introduce an "effective compliance regime" to make primary care trusts (PCTs) hand out the drugs to those who need them, ending current postcode prescribing.

Tory cuts causing delays in cancer care, Mirror probe reveals
Cancer patients' lives are being put at risk as Coalition cuts stop them being sent for diagnosis fast enough, a Mirror investigation reveals. It is feared cutting corners with cancer care might be one way primary care trusts managing local health services make up some of the ?20billion savings demanded by the Government by 2014.

Listening to Bach eases pain during surgery
Listening to Bach on headphones eases the pain of patients during surgery, research has find.

Put the chocolate down! The talking diet fridge that keeps your weight in check
In what some might deem a step too far into the future, LG has unveiled a high tech fridge that will tell you what to eat - and more importantly, what not to eat.
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