Health news 11th August 2011

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Admin (Retired)
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Type 1
Number of NHS patients waiting over six weeks for tests quadruples
The number of people waiting more than six weeks for key NHS tests has almost quadrupled in one year, figures released show. In June, there were 12,521 people waiting more than six weeks for one of 15 key tests, including MRI, CT and heart scans, ultrasound, barium enemas and colonoscopies. This is up on the 3,510 waiting more than six weeks in June 2010.

A cure for everything - from colds to HIV

Scientists may have found a cure for the common cold, flu, HIV ? and almost any other virus you can think of. A drug that homes in on infected cells and makes them self-destruct has been created in the laboratory. Its hit list includes human rhinoviruses ? the bugs behind half of colds in adults and almost all colds in children ? flu, polio, a stomach bug and deadly dengue fever.

Multiple sclerosis genes identified in largest-ever study of the disease
Scientists have discovered 29 new gene variants that are implicated in multiple sclerosis, following the largest ever study of the genetics of the disease. The genes are involved in controlling parts of the body's immune system, confirming research strategies and pointing to possible treatments for people who develop MS. The discoveries more than double the list of parts of the human genome that researchers believe contribute to the disease.

Cancer treatment 'blows tumours away in weeks'
Researchers have pioneered a technique that involves leukaemia patients being treated with their own T cells ? a type of white blood cell ? that have been genetically modified to attack and destroy tumours within their bodies. Dr Carl June, the lead researcher, said the treatment was so powerful that tumours were "blown away" within a month, and with far fewer side effects than existing treatment.

NHS hospitals needed ?200m in bailouts and loans

England?s hospitals needed at least ?200million in bailouts and loans as they struggled to balance their books while also meeting tough savings targets, according to a spending watchdog. The Audit Commission said nine NHS trusts ?failed to achieve financial balance? and many more applied for extra funding from managers and the Government, although overall performance ?continues to be good?.
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