Health news 11th-13th June 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes UK finds that a third of sufferers hide their condition
Nearly a million people in the UK are risking ill health by keeping their diabetes secret, according to a survey that found one in three with the condition had concealed it. Almost half felt not talking about their condition affected how they managed it, research by Diabetes UK found. Some respondents to the survey for the charity said they missed insulin injections or delayed testing their blood glucose to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Diabetes UK Chief Executive Barbara Young quoted.

The sugar rush to diabetes

From cholera to TB, humanity has known many fearsome epidemics and pandemics. And while medicine and hygiene have been hugely effective in fighting disease, one of the best weapons has always been education. From practising safe sex to avoiding contaminated water, improving public health often demands nothing more than a simple message.

Welsh pharmacies offer free diabetes risk assessments

Pharmacies across Wales have begun a campaign against diabetes by offering free risk assessments. About 700 pharmacies are taking part in the 10-day Diabetes UK Cymru/Community Pharmacy Wales project. Diabetes UK said 153,000 people in Wales have been diagnosed with the condition and some 66,000 more people are undiagnosed. "The sooner diabetes is diagnosed, the sooner it can be controlled," said Dai Williams of Diabetes UK Cymru.

NHS review to prompt push to get health plans on track

An independent review of the planned NHS shake-up in England is expected to recommend significant changes. The NHS Future Forum, which has carried out a two-month consultation, will make proposals on controversial issues such as competition and the speed of change.

Cancer patients at risk of losing benefits, charity says

Thousands of cancer patients could lose benefits under government proposals, a charity has warned. Macmillan Cancer Support is attacking plans in the Welfare Reform Bill to remove the Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) after a year.

World vaccine funding summit seeks donations in London

Countries meeting in London are to be asked to give an extra ?2.3bn ($3.7bn) by 2015 to fund vaccines against two of the biggest killers of children - pneumonia and diarrhoeal disease. The Global Alliance on Vaccines and Immunisation (Gavi) says the money could help save 4m lives in four years.

Drinks firm Diageo funds pregnancy health initiative

Drinks company Diageo is to pay for 10,000 midwives in England and Wales to be trained to offer advice on the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy. The Department of Health hopes the training initiative will in turn help more than one million expectant mothers over three years.

Breakthrough on migraines

Millions of migraine sufferers were given hope last night after scientists discovered new genetic defects that can trigger an attack. The breakthrough follows research published last September by British scientists, who found for the first time a faulty gene causes the headaches, which affect one in five people.
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