Health news 10th June 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Ambulances must focus on patients, says Audit Office
Ambulance services have been too focused on response times and not enough on patient care, according to the National Audit Office (NAO). A NAO report said patients' emergency care was being delayed, with ambulances forced to queue outside hospitals and unable to respond to other calls.

Nicotine treatment 'could control obesity'

Scientists have identified a group of neurons in the brain responsible for smokers' lack of appetite. In an article in the journal Science, Yale University researchers describe experiments on mice which found nicotine activates neurons to send signals the body has had enough to eat.

Fund vaccines for poorest children, pleads charity

Save the Children is urging David Cameron and other world leaders to help fund the ?2.3 billion cost of immunising the world's poorest children over the next four years. The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI) would use the money to immunise 243 million children by 2015 and save four million more lives.

First vaccine against deadly meningitis B will be available 'within months'

The first vaccine against meningitis B ? the strain of the disease against which there is no protection ? could become available here within months. It is likely to dramatically cut the toll of infants and children dying from the disease or struggling with lifelong disabilities.

Hidden danger in fruit juices
Millions of people are putting their health at risk after research showed that natural fruit juice is so packed with sugar it can be addictive. Drinking just two glasses a day could give people a ?sweet tooth?, making them crave calorie-packed food, a study claimed yesterday. Experts are so concerned they are even calling for juice drinks to be taxed in a bid to curb Britain?s growing obesity epidemic.
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