Health news 10th June 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Bradford 'hot spots' targetted during National Diabetes Awareness WeekEvents in support of Diabetes Week
Diabetes UK, and Diabetes Week mentioned

Belper News - Beth cycles for diabetes
Charity London to Paris cycle ride by 14 year old with Type 1 diabetes

The Telegraph ? Dozens of genetic mutations linked to autism in children discovered
Dozens of rogue genes have been found in more than 1,000 children suffering from autism, researchers found. They said the findings come closer to helping identify the root cause of the disability that affects more than half a million people in Britain - and could hasten the development of the first ever genetic test for the condition.

The Telegraph - One in four people 'risking their health by working through the day without a break'
Heavy workloads mean that a third also say that they take no lunch, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) found. The organisation warns that other bad habits, such as working in the same position for too long and going to work when ill or stressed, damage health.

The Guardian - Waiting targets for accident and emergency to be scrappedThe government is to take the controversial and potentially unpopular step of scrapping four-hour waiting time targets in accident and emergency departments and instead focus on delivering the "best possible results for patients", it said yesterday.

Daily Mail - Patients 'put at risk' by consultants who will not work in the evening
Patients are being put at risk because hospital consultants are refusing to work in the evenings and at weekends, a damning report has found. Trainee doctors are being left alone with seriously-ill patients out of hours because highly-paid experienced older staff want to clock off at 6pm.

Daily Mail - Cancer drug ban means I won't see my son start school, says dying mother
A mother fears she will not live to see her son's first day at school after NHS bosses refused to fund the only cancer drug that can help her. She was given three months to live by doctors who want to use the drug Lapatinib to hold back the disease, which has spread to her brain.
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