Health news 10th February 2012

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Type 1
Cameron should scrap NHS bill and drop Lansley, says influential Tory blog
David Cameron has been urged to replace Andrew Lansley and drop large chunks of the health bill by the Conservative party's most widely read and influential website. Tim Montgomerie, the editor of ConservativeHome, said in a post published on Friday that Lansley, the health secretary, had failed to win public support for the legislation and that, if the Tories did not back down, every problem with the NHS over the next three years would be blamed on the bill.

Record numbers of children put into care
The number of children referred into local authority care in England reached a record high last month. For the first time councils made more than 900 applications to seek protection for young people suffering from abuse or neglect. The figure has been steadily rising since the public outcry surrounding the case of Peter Connelly, known as Baby P, who died from abuse in 2007.

Chemotherapy is 'safe during pregnancy'
Women diagnosed with cancer during pregnancy no longer need to choose between their own life and that of their baby. It is possible to save both. A series of studies published in The Lancet and Lancet Oncology shows that children born to women given chemotherapy while they were growing in the womb developed as well as children in the general population.

Lonely? Shy? Sad? Well now you're 'mentally ill', too
Mild eccentrics, oddball romantics and the lonely, shy and sad could find themselves diagnosed with a mental disorder if proposals to add new conditions to the world's most widely used psychiatric bible go ahead, experts have warned. A major revision of the 1994 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, whose fifth edition is due for publication next year, threatens to extend psychiatric diagnoses to millions of people currently regarded as normal, they say.

EU drive to protect drug firms puts fight against Aids at risk
The cheap supply of antiretroviral drugs to people with Aids across the world could be choked by an "intellectual property" deal, which the European Union will today demand at a high-level international summit, Aids campaigners say.More than 80 per cent of those on HIV treatment in developing countries are on generic medicines made in India

Skin cancer drug 'reverses Alzheimer's'
A drug commonly used to fight skin cancer could start to reverse Alzheimer's disease in a matter of hours, a laboratory study indicates.

Unnecessary antibiotic prescriptions 'are costing NHS more than ?8MILLION a year'
Unnecessary prescriptions for antibiotics could be costing GP practices as much as ?8.4million a year, according to a new study. Researchers from Cardiff University said doctors are dolling out 1.6million unnecessary prescriptions for common conditions such as acute coughs and sinusitis.

Bishops fight to save NHS chaplains
Leading bishops led calls to defend hospital chaplains in the face of a campaign to exclude religious influence from the National Health Service.
So all teenage - boys at least, if not 100% of girls will find themselves sectioned twice, in view of

Among the diagnostic labels are "oppositional defiance disorder" for challenging adolescents and "hypersexual disorder" for those who think about sex at least once every 20 minutes.
So all teenage - boys at least, if not 100% of girls will find themselves sectioned twice, in view of

Among the diagnostic labels are "oppositional defiance disorder" for challenging adolescents and "hypersexual disorder" for those who think about sex at least once every 20 minutes.

What nonsense! 🙄
I know, but my point is surely virtually ALL teenagers do that anyway!
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