Health news 10th August 2011

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Rise in UK childbirth deaths from underlying illnesses
Increasing numbers of women are dying in childbirth in the UK because of an underlying medical problem that has not been spotted, a group of senior doctors has warned. Six obstetrics specialists say the latest expert survey in the UK "highlights a worrying trend in the causes of maternal mortality in the UK" and that many deaths are caused by substandard medical care.

Video test 'gives better chance of IVF success' increasing pregnancy rates three-fold
A video technique that may significantly boost a woman?s odds of having a baby could soon be available. The test would provide doctors with a quick and accurate way of choosing the strongest embryos for IVF treatment.

Women who suffer sleep apnoea more likely to get dementia later in life
Older women with a common sleep disorder could be at higher risk of developing dementia, warn researchers. They found women who have breathing problems during sleep ? which reduces oxygen levels in the brain ? were up to 50 per cent more likely to develop cognitive impairment or dementia than women who sleep normally
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