Health headlines 12th-14th June 2010

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Diabetes Week coverage:

Almost half 'wrongly believe that diabetes can be triggered by a sweet tooth'
A survey found that many people think eating too much sugar can lead to the debilitating condition. And a quarter object to diabetics injecting themselves with insulin in public, the charity Diabetes UK found. Simon O?Neill, Director of care information and advocacy, quoted.

To mark Diabetes Week, we separate facts from fiction
More than 146,000 people ? around one in 20 ? have been diagnosed with diabetes in Wales and a further 50,000 people are estimated to have the condition and not know it. To mark diabetes week, charity Diabetes UK has compiled a myth-busters guide to separate diabetes facts from fiction. Libby Dowling, Care Advisor, quoted.

Somerset Leisure centres help people with diabetes
SOMERSET Leisure is taking part in a national campaign to help people with diabetes to get fit and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Ten leisure centres across Somerset which are managed by the leisure trust will be offering free gym inductions to diabetics as part of National Diabetes Week (June 13-19). Diabetes Week mentioned.

Are you at risk from Diabetes?

People living in Leicestershire and Rutland are being asked to carry out a lifestyle check ahead of Diabetes Week (13-19 June) to see if they are at risk of developing the disease. Across the two counties there are around 25,690 people with diabetes, but many more could be at risk because of a bad diet, being overweight and a lack of exercise. Diabetes Week mentioned.

Charity warns over diabetes ?myths?

A quarter of people in the UK object to diabetics injecting insulin in public, a survey said A quarter of people in the UK object to diabetics injecting insulin in public, a survey said. A total of 42% of the 2,032 people questioned also said they thought eating too much sugar caused diabetes. Diabetes UK, who conducted the myths survey to mark Diabetes Week which runs until June 19, said they were concerned by the findings. Simon O?Neill, Director of care information and advocacy, quoted.

Health charity VP under fire over drugs firm links
The vice-president of a diabetes charity has been called on to sever ties with the group because he also acts as a lobbyist for a drugs giant. Sir Michael Hirst is both a figurehead for Diabetes UK and an adviser to Denmark-based Novo Nordisk, a firm that is planning to withdraw a vital form of insulin from the UK. Last night diabetes sufferers and politicians raised questions about Hirst?s role. Andy James, Director of fundraising and communications, quoted.

Health news

Scientists take first steps in growing working livers
There is a shortage of livers for transplant US scientists have created working liver grafts in the lab, and say the research could one day allow the growth of livers for transplant. There is a shortage of liver donors, but so far it has been difficult to grow replacement organs.


BLOOD pressure pills taken by up to one million Britons have been linked to cancer, a study published today suggests. Patients taking the pills, known as ARBs, were more likely to be diagnosed with the disease than those not taking them. Although the increased risk appears to be small ? 1.2 per cent ? and patients were yesterday told to carry on taking them, an expert has called for drugs firms to publish any secret research they may have carried out into the cancer link.

Test-tube babies 'twice as likely' to suffer birth defects

More than 120,000 children in the UK have been born using IVF since 1992. Test-tube babies are almost twice as likely to suffer birth defects than children born naturally, according to the largest study of its kind. Babies conceived through IVF have a significantly higher risk of being born with heart problems and malformed reproductive systems than those conceived naturally.

Flaws in Hospital Episode Statistics revealed by FoI requests

Currently the public can use the NHS Choices website to help them choose a hospital for treatment. NHS Choices, and the information used by Dr Foster, is based on "Hospital Episode Statistics" (HES) data, which the NHS says is "authoritative and essential". However, NHS insiders say the information, usually collected by administrative staff from patient records, is unreliable.
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