Health checks scheme fails to identify a third of patients at risk of diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A third of patients at high risk of having or developing diabetes may be missed by the NHS Health Checks scheme, shows a new study raising questions over Department of Health plans to radically expand the programme across England.

The study showed that the scheme was systematically overlooking patients with high HbA1c levels, but with normal or low body weight, leading the researchers to recommend a change to the way it is run.

The findings come a week after the DH signalled its intention to radically expand the scheme by pledging to widen access to the health checks for all 40 to 74 year olds in its strategy for cardiovascular disease.

But GP experts say that the scheme is proving ‘underwhelming’ in the number of high-risk patients that it is throwing up, and is widening health inequalities.

The NHS Health Check scheme was set up in 2009 and was designed to improve the nation’s life expectancy and reduce health inequalities, by engaging with people about potentially modifiable risk factors and improving case-finding.

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Just goes to show that the idea that people with diabetes must be overweight is endemic even in HCPs minds' :(
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