Headinjury v Memory v Sugars

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've a type 2 diabetic that's currently poorly controlled, due to asthma steroids and infection my sugars have been off meter. Back in April I gave myself a double whammy of concussion, I know I am struggling to remember to take my dosage, and the medical staff are aware as I await an appointment with the mild traumatic brain injury team, almost 48 hrs ago I suffered another head injury, and my memory is worse, I am at a loss at what to do, I struggle with so much at the moment, tech, completing, recieving instructions and lists, forgetting what I'm doing confusion, getting very angry and frustrated at myself, I'm supposed to have carers to help me with meds since 1st gead injury but there isn't any, now I realise I've failed to take my meds again last 2 days, I am unable to remember what I've took when I took it if I took it, im terrified i will take to much also. I asked about a libre to help me short term but no was the answer, any clues how to help me, because I'm really stumped. Thank you for your guidance, p.s this took ages to type having bad brain days.
I find a segregated pill box helps me. Mine only covers one day but you can get ones that cover a whole week.

I have a very poor memory and always have had, so I try to think of ways to ensure I do the things I need to do more easily without having to use or stretch my lousy memory. Hence the pill box.

Amazon and pharmasists sell pill boxes. Perhaps your doctor could prescribe one or make some more helpful suggestions.

I hope things improve for you as it can be a bit worrying/stressful which can make memory seem even worse.

Do let us know how you get on and anything that helped you.
Are you on insulin @BigMumma ? If so, there are insulin pens available that record your last dose. That would avoid you mistakenly taking two doses. As for remembering your doses, what exactly do you take and when? Is there some way to place reminders in your house so that you come across them at the appropriate time eg on your breakfast mug, etc?

I also suggest you or your carer contact Diabetes U.K. on Monday (telephone number top of this page). They surely must be able to point you towards ideas that might help.
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Hi. That sounds really stressful. Not sure where you live but I’m wondering if, while you’re waiting for things to settle down, you could ask your GP surgery to arrange a daily District Nurse visit to help with your insulin. I’ve done that in the past to get over a difficult stage and my doctors were really supportive.

I’ve had to manage all this for my husband who has significant traumatic brain injury following a sub-arachnoid haemorrhage. He doesn’t live with us now and is in sheltered housing so I have to make sure that the right support is in place. He’s been living with the brain injury for a lot longer than the diabetes and although he has memory strategies- a whiteboard, phone alarms, notebook… it took a while for him to incorporate those into his management of his diabetes.

I also know what it’s like to have a head injury having been in a bad car accident. It’s really hard. If you can involve friends and family members to keep you right, that’s a huge bonus. I was very lucky with that.

1. Contact District Nurse for help with insulin.
2. Make up a daily chart on a whiteboard or even a bit of paper (the kind you see in hotel/ supermarket toilets) and put a tick in the box for that day/ time immediately after you’ve taken your insulin.
3. Use the notes function in your phone to note down dates and times and/or insert a photo as a record.
4. If you’re struggling to remember what and when you’ve eaten, you could use an app like My Fitness Pal (or another one specifically for diabetes) because that will let you put in the time you had the food and plan ahead.
4. Ask your GP/Pharmacy to make up your meds into a box that separates the daily pills into different times of the day. The pharmacy can do that from the prescription. They might also deliver.

I hope some of these ideas might help you. They’ve all worked for us.
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