Headaches and nausea

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Murphy 71

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi. I'm coming up to my first anniversary of type 1 diabetes diagnosis. Currently suffering with constant headaches and nausea on a daily basis. Has anybody suffered from same and/or do you have a remedy?
Ok, that sounds fine. Under 0.6 is normal for ketones. Another thought - could you be dehydrated? That can sneak up on you when you have diabetes. Could you have a virus? How long have you had the headaches and nausea?
It has being going on now for months. Constant too. No remedy for it a d little respite. I'm reaching out here basically
That sounds awful for you @Murphy 71 Have you spoken to your doctor? Have you had a coeliac screen? It could be that it’s totally unconnected to your diabetes. I had constant headaches, faintness and nausea which I eventually worked out was due to a muscular/joint issue in my neck and shoulders. Check your pillows and sleeping position, make sure your working position isn’t causing it (I was working from home without a proper desk and this exacerbated mine a lot), and be aware of your posture. You might not have the same as me but it’s one thing to rule out.

But - I would speak to a doctor if you haven’t already.
Thanks for this. I will chase up the coeliac screening. Funnily enough I've had an MRI for neck and shoulders issues last year and I do suffer with peripheral neuropathy. Many thanks!
Sleeping okay? I had to wake up to treat a couple of lows last night and without fail I’ll get a headache if I have to do that. I’m a write-off today!
Thanks for this. I will chase up the coeliac screening. Funnily enough I've had an MRI for neck and shoulders issues last year and I do suffer with peripheral neuropathy. Many thanks!
When did you last have a panel of general blood tests? There are so many reasons why this could be happening.
Any other symptoms? Have you seen your GP? I’ve had headaches for about 2.5 years since developing ME / CFS. Amitriptyline helps control them a lot of the time.
Yes, with doctors on and off about it but no joy. Very frustrating to be honest. Diabetes team don't see any connection between headaches, nausea with t1d.
Diabetes team don't see any connection between headaches, nausea with t1d.
It’s probably unrelated then, diabetics get other illnesses too
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