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Head aches?

Anthony Neve

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone! does anyone else suffer from head aches/ migrains more than usual (by that i mean compared to a non diabetic)? I seem to suffer from them when my BG's are pretty consistant for a day or two and then get that annoying reading thats just a bit higher than I would like! For instance BG's jumping up after a meal and then a head ache following. drinking water doesnt seem to help, the only thing that works is solpadeine soluble.

has anyone else noticed this or have similar thoughts?

I always gort headaches when my bg go high, in fact before diagnosis i got them on a daily basis and now i know when i'm slightl higher as get thumping headache and feel mega munchy hungry, just tae the painkillers and hope it goes away for me, but you might wanna go see a doc
I get really bad headaches with high sugars and a fuzzy feeling/headache post hypo. I suffer with migranes but cant say they are worse since diagnosis. Few weeks prior to diagnosis would wake up in agony but I now put that down to undiagnosed high sugars. Since my sugars have come down this has stopped. Now ive said that it'll happen tonight!!
Unfortunately, I have suffered from migraines for years and long before I was diagnosed with Diabetes, a non-diabetic friend of mine also suffers badly with migraine - so I don't thing they are specifically linked to diabetes.

However, I still get headaches, especially if my BG is over 8.

Also, since I have started drinking at least 1 litre of water a day (not that I manage that every day) I find I am getting less headaches.
If drinking water hasn't helped it might pay you to see your doctor for reassurance, and also get your eyes tested if you haven't already. That way you can rule everything out.
Hi Caroline

Water has helped enormously. I have seen my doctor re. the headaches and the migraines. The migraines are mostly stress related, although they have died down since my hysterectomy, not a solution for 50% of the population!!

The headaches just seem to be something I have always suffered from and my doctor can see no real reason for them apart from stress and the fact that I have a 2 hours (each way) commute to work each day.

Hi Caroline

Water has helped enormously. I have seen my doctor re. the headaches and the migraines. The migraines are mostly stress related, although they have died down since my hysterectomy, not a solution for 50% of the population!!

The headaches just seem to be something I have always suffered from and my doctor can see no real reason for them apart from stress and the fact that I have a 2 hours (each way) commute to work each day.


Commuting stresses me too. I have a job I really like so am prepared to commute to it, and my manager is realy understanding. I also recently changed my route to work for one that is less stressful This morning I over slept so traveled an hour later on the new route. Although it was busier I felt OK when I got into work. I am on flexi so start and finish early most days to avoid the rush.

Agree a hysterectomy is out for a sizeable chunk of the population.
Hi everyone! does anyone else suffer from head aches/ migrains more than usual (by that i mean compared to a non diabetic)? I seem to suffer from them when my BG's are pretty consistant for a day or two and then get that annoying reading thats just a bit higher than I would like! For instance BG's jumping up after a meal and then a head ache following. drinking water doesnt seem to help, the only thing that works is solpadeine soluble.

has anyone else noticed this or have similar thoughts?

Antoher thought, are you getting enough sleep? That is one cause of headaches for me.


I suffer from headaches since I was first diagnosed with diabetes almost 6 years ago. At least for a couple of hours each day.

I mentioned it to my diabetic nurse (trainee) who said "mmmm that's unusual"

After persisting for several months I eventually got to see the Doctor. he spent all of 30 seconds deciding it was stress (the diabetic nurse spoke to him about it) and I should join a local stress management group!

I gave up after a year and take painkillers daily (I know they can cause headaches too!)
Just wondering how your blood pressure is, high blood pressure can contribute to headaches.
I only get stress related headaches. I used to have soemthing fairly stressful happen every monday and I almost always got a headache on a monday evening, it was a very direct link.
Only other time I had headaches was side effect of increasing medication which settled once I got used to same dose.
I get weird headaches, only one side of my head is affected and usually the top of my head, it is painful and painful to touch and it also feels cold and numb/tingly.. I have only had them since I have been diabetic and thought they were due mainly to high blood sugars, but I have had them at 8mmols and not when my sugars have gone over 20mmols. Anyone else experience these.. (havent had one for about 2 months now)...
hi Anthony yes i have found in last 3 weeks since i had diabeties i have been having a headache a load more then before , friday gone i was in so much pain i rang up nhs direct my head was throbbing right down the centre...also it feels like i can see green or red spots i take my blood sugars when im like that and they tend to be high ..
I appreciate your replys everyone! the lack of sleep thing could be a factor although if i go to bed any earlier i just lay there awake, and if i try and lay in i end up being half awake for most of it. My blood pressure is ok everytime i have it checked (had it done today and it was fine) but sometimes i do feel as though it could be elevated.

Il keep on top of it and see what the doc thinks- i put my money on him saying stress! but then how do you define stress? or an exceptable level of stress?

thanks for your help.