Hbac1 results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
So finally after 8 months I've had my GAD results confirming type 1, I guess it means nothing as I knew but I'm happy to have it confirmed.

I've also had my first Hbac1 results back as 40 but tbh I've not really looked much into them until 30mins before. Seems like I'm doing alright so why not celebrate by having some cake. This will 110% be shared with my fiance since it's hers and she has hearing like a hawk. 20230825_215852.jpg
Is the KAREN course carb counting and dose adjustment?
Yes I believe so... try to take my control to another level. Might even consider a pump but I'll keep along my journey a little longer before that I think
The path to getting a pump is nowhere near as simple as us deciding we'd like one! - so please play that one by ear, and do have chats about it with your diabetes clinic at the hospital if you think you might get on better with one instead of MDI. Nobody in their right mind would even consider your having one until a while after you've put the course info gleaned into your BG management and are confident and knowledgeable about all that. ie an expert!
The path to getting a pump is nowhere near as simple as us deciding we'd like one! - so please play that one by ear, and do have chats about it with your diabetes clinic at the hospital if you think you might get on better with one instead of MDI. Nobody in their right mind would even consider your having one until a while after you've put the course info gleaned into your BG management and are confident and knowledgeable about all that. ie an expert!
No I'd assume it wouldn't be simple lol

Like I say way down the line but I must be doing ok with my results at 40mmol/mol. I understand alot of T1 now and how the body works, but I'm certainly no expert after 8 months
No I'd assume it wouldn't be simple lol

Like I say way down the line but I must be doing ok with my results at 40mmol/mol. I understand alot of T1 now and how the body works, but I'm certainly no expert after 8 months
Well done on getting to grips with things. If any questions arise just ask.
The NHS doesn't react very quickly to anything much and its always been a question of funding more than anything, and when the purse holders have a meeting with enough time to manage fitting the discussing the cash for medical devices for diabetes for the next year into discussing the funding for everything else!
a bit longer then 6 months later if you get another appointment that qu
I know fine very well that certain decisions taken for both myself and some other family members let alone you, Joe Bloggs or anyone else whilst simply being told placatingly Oh, don't worry, we'll fit you/that in in due course when we think you're ready .... so you go away and just put up with whatever until however soon you happen to be lucky enough to get another appointment and say yet again to someone at the clinic I'm now really fed up of not being able to have/get whatever it is for so long but I also know too well that there's not much point in me moaning about it .... when the listener suddenly replies That's very simple then! - can you come back here a week on Friday and we'll get you started ....... just like it's the very first time you've bothered mentioning it. And when we've reflected on these instances we've usually realised Aaaah - bet they'd reached the bottom of last years money pot last time we saw em so no funding left for it - and now into a pot of newly minted cash.

Despite being asked when I originally saw the hospital about my cataracts which one I'd like doing first, since both eyes were affected and replying that I personally thought one was worse than the other which the consultant said he agreed with actually, when my optician asked me when I was having the other one done and I said I'd heard nowt he rang the hospital to ask about me only to be told he'd have to refer me again and not to think - or lead me to believe - that there was any urgency about it. I was full of praise the first one, quite a pleasant experience though inevitable scary procedure - but absolutely not the second. Felt an awful lot more as if I should be grateful for them even bothering ........ same as it did when they found the time to bother removing some of the metalwork in my kneecap they'd mended the broken jigsaw with which my bone had decided it really didn't want so emitted it, quite clearly on the X ray, quite a different pain, having titanium pins stuck into your skin from the IN-side!

First eye sorted when hospital was very proud of its lovely newish Day Surgery facility, other one and knee when it had all become just part of the usual ......
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