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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all,

Got my hba1c yesterday - a lovely 5.8. Thought it would be higher because of xmas so I'm delighted. And all other results were perfect too 🙂 Go me!!!!
Goodness, that's a great result! It seems there's quite a few of us getting results round about now - I get mine next Tuesday. Hope it's as good as yours!:D
I get mine on Tuesday too so I am hoping to match the trend.....fingers crossed! Well done for 5.8 - doubt mine will be that good but around 6.5 will do.....
I'm kinda surprised I got that result - even though all my results have being in the 5's. I do get highs but i suppose not for long as I always take correction doses. And I check my BS levels about 10-15 times a day. I must be doing something right even though I'm still not happy that I get highs and lows still. oh well.
5.8% is great well done you!

Just wondering how your DR/DSN feels about the result. I know mine don't really like it when I'm in the 5's, they have a general feeling that 5.x = hypos.
My results are due on Tuesday. Last time was 8.8, time before was 6.6. I'll be happy with anywhere between 7 & 8 - if it isn't, well that's too bad. Well done for getting 5.8.
yeah my dn said she wouldnt be happy with 5's either! wierd. well done on your result though!
she wasn't really happy either as she tends to think Im getting too many hypos aswell. I think that's why she has put me forward for the pump. But It seems to me the ighs outweigh the lows for me so I havn't a clue why I got a 5.8. Im happy though 🙂
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