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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi all i have just passed my driving test and am now worried because of my poor control i will have it taken away do you think having my HbA1c done every 3 months is a bit to much. ?????

Really dont want to lose it its taken me 4 years to finally do my test

Thanks in advance

Stuart :confused:
Sorry I can't answer your question Stuart, as I'm still new to all this diabetes malarkey, but just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!! on passing your driving test.

Hi Stu, congratulations on passing the test!:D

I can't offer any advice on driving regulations, as I don't drive. I would imagine that you BG meter is just as important in showing you have good control as you HbA1c though, as the latter is an average and would 'hide' hypos that were offset by hypers, if you see what I mean. Remember that the really important thing is that you are not likely to hypo whilst at the wheel - this could be disastrous for you and others, so if you have poor control you must try and at the very least avoid this happening.
It’d be worth having a look at the driving board on this forum as there are several discussions on driving licences and diabetes on there.

You do have to let the DVLA know if you’re on insulin (you’ll have had to do this for your provisional licence anyway) and your driving licence will need to be renewed regularly, I think most people are on 3 year licences. It seems their main (certainly not only) concern is hypos as opposed to hba1c so from that perspective I’d have said having a1cs done that regularly wouldn’t be useful for the dvla. Of course another consideration for them would be your eyes, for which of course your control is important.

However if you’re concerned about your levels then absolutely try to have them more regularly if it will help you improve your control.
Hi Stu,

I just renewed my license recently (as Aymes said you have to do this every 3 years).

In the forms the questions are more about number of hypos and whether you have hypo awareness. There is nothing on the forms about hbA1c although you do have to give them permission to see your doctors notes.

I've had a few ups and downs with my diabetes and had periods where my blood sugars and hbA1c were on the high side, but I've never had any problems getting my license.

On my annual DAFNE review last month they were saying that you should check your blood sugar before driving and make sure it's above 6 and you should also test every couple of hours if it's a long journey.

As for hbA1c testing, my clinic have started seeing everyone 3-4 times a year and we get our hbA1c taken everytime as well.

Hi Stu ..

Congratulations on passing your driving test .... :D

Cant advise you on driving with diabetes etc ... I think there is some discussions about it on the driving topic

Congratulations Stu :D:D

I hope you have many years of happy driving with your family 🙂 well done 🙂
congratulations. As long as you don't have too many hypos or any unawareness then you should be ok to get a 3 year licence. I'm on a 1 year at the moment, which i am slightly annoyed about but I can still drive so it's ok.
Hi stu just wanted to say congratulations on passing your test.also have you informed your insurance company as when i was in my db clinic last week there were leaflets on letting your insurancy co know of diabetes as they could void your cover if you dont tell them. all the best lynne.
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