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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi everyone, i was wondering how you all get to know your A1c following your blood tests. I have just had my 3rd blood test, since diagnosis, and have never been told what mine is.I'm a bit worried that i haven't done something or phoned someone i should have, but nobody has told me anything about getting the results.
I'm very surprised that they haven't given you an appointment to discuss the results, which is what usually happens with me. Some people ring up to find out, I think. You should make an appointment I think as you need to know how you're doing, and it's your blood after all! 🙂 They might be assuming you already know the procedure - I know that happened a lot to me when I was first diagnosed, people spoke to me as if I was supposed to magically know how everything worked!
Hi Casey im very surprised, usually in my case I will have the appointment and then a week later i will ring up and find out.Have you had the hba done recently? id give the surgery a ring and find out whats happening hun x
with my results, I normally get them in a letter in the post a few weeks later. you should be told your results, especially if you are talking about the last 3 sets of results! call them and ask for them over the phone and ask them what the process should be, just so you know for future.

I have had cases in the past of not getting results, and that has been because my sample was lost! good one NHS!

Good luck.
About 10 days ago I received a letter asking me to contact the surgery to arrange to see/speak to the GP who had arranged by blood tests as they were back.

Fine except not GP had requested blood tests - so I guessed that the letter from my clinic appointment must have been recieved at the surgery.

When I called the surgery the receptionist was confused as she couldn't link the letter I was sent to anything. In the end the chief receptionist called me back and confirmed that it was the clinic results. They wanted to tell me my HbA1C. I said but they give me that on the day. Anyway I took the opportunity to check my thyroid fn test which is now back in range after 2 abnormal results.
I have my bloods taken a fortnight before a clinic visit, so results are there for consultant... This is standard practice at my hospital clinic, I get 2 bloods form at the end of my clinic visit, so my sugery DSN can do one set of bloods between clinic visits, got fed up with 3 monthly reviews so requested 6 monthly ones instead, and I ring if I had problems..

You can also ask to be copied in with all communications that clinic/consultant sends to your GP... Your bloods results will also be sent to your GP for the records, so you can always book into see the nurse/GP and ask for the results...
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