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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Hi, had a blood test on Tuesday and my hba1c is now at 39, a year ago it was 154, is 39 too low and how do you get it back to a more normal level. I have a check up with my diabetic nurse on the 10th of june anyway but was just curious. Thank you x
Hi @kellie01, not 100% sure as you are a LADA, but my hba1c is 39 which is in the healthy range for T2s. That is magnificent work getting it down from 154! :D Well done x
@kellie01 That depends how many hypos you’re having and if you’re skirting too low a lot of the time. If you are, then that’s something to avoid, which is why some HCPs highlight an HbA1C towards the lower end.
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