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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

So 2 years ago my HbA1C was 14.

My last two recent ones were 8 in January 2024 and 8 in April 2024.

I have not started any medications such as Metaformin, as I want to control it as much as I can without meds. I am very active and I go to the gym at least 5 days a week, and generally have a clean diet no sugar and low carbs.

I do not want to start any meds . That is just me.

But would like some advice from you all. If i did start Metformin, can I come off it?

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So 2 years ago my HbA1C was 14.

My last two recent ones were 8 in January 2024 and 8 in April 2024.

I have not started any medications such as Metaformin, as I want to control it as much as I can without meds. I am very active and I go to the gym at least 5 days a week, and generally have a clean diet no sugar and low carbs.

I do not want to start any meds . That is just me.

But would like some advice from you all. If i did start Metformin, can I come off it?

If dietary measures are working then stick with it, how low carb are you going as you may need to reduce a bit more or be more vigilant with portion sizes of any high carb foods.
If dietary measures are working then stick with it, how low carb are you going as you may need to reduce a bit more or be more vigilant with portion sizes of any high carb foods.
Thank you Leadinglights. I am not sure how low carb, but gernerally I may have about 30-50g of rice in a day and some days a slice of sourdough or two for breakie
Thank you Leadinglights. I am not sure how low carb, but gernerally I may have about 30-50g of rice in a day and some days a slice of sourdough or two for breakie
You may not be recognising some foods which are high carb or which more particularly are too high carb for you to tolerate.
Have a look at this link which is a low carb approach and compare to what you are having and you may spot some things which would help https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
It is suggested a good starting point for reducing carb is no more than 130g carbs per day but some people find they need to go lower especially if they are managing by diet only, often settling on between 70 and 100g but they will determine what suits them by testing the effect of meals with a home blood glucose monitor.
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