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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So was diagnosed with diabetes nov 2021, on metformin, hba1c before diagnosis was 59 then 57, started meds it came down to 47 then 44, had yearly bloods done Monday and my hba1c came back at 53, cholestrol 7, (was 6.2 in Dec 22) I admit I've not been eating as well as I should of, to much bad fats and snacks, no excuse but my dad was found deceased last April and grief hasn't helped, but 2 weeks ago I decided I want to start and try my best witj lifestyle changes so I've joined a gym, try and go 3 times a week, ( went 4 last week) cardio and weights then sauna, I've cut out crisps, bought an air fryer, trying to cut out salt, didnt really have much sugar intake before diagnosis, trying to eat more leafy greens and lean meats, my bloods are being repeated in a months Time so I'm hoping the numbers have dropped, more so cholestrol as I don't wanna start statins as only 38, on my notes they've put a q risk score, no idea what this actually is, mine came back at 5.7%, unsure if this is good or bad, anyone any ideas? Just feeling a bit down on dumps as was hoping hba1c would be lower, maybe this is the kick up the backside I needed to change bad habits.
So was diagnosed with diabetes nov 2021, on metformin, hba1c before diagnosis was 59 then 57, started meds it came down to 47 then 44, had yearly bloods done Monday and my hba1c came back at 53, cholestrol 7, (was 6.2 in Dec 22) I admit I've not been eating as well as I should of, to much bad fats and snacks, no excuse but my dad was found deceased last April and grief hasn't helped, but 2 weeks ago I decided I want to start and try my best witj lifestyle changes so I've joined a gym, try and go 3 times a week, ( went 4 last week) cardio and weights then sauna, I've cut out crisps, bought an air fryer, trying to cut out salt, didnt really have much sugar intake before diagnosis, trying to eat more leafy greens and lean meats, my bloods are being repeated in a months Time so I'm hoping the numbers have dropped, more so cholestrol as I don't wanna start statins as only 38, on my notes they've put a q risk score, no idea what this actually is, mine came back at 5.7%, unsure if this is good or bad, anyone any ideas? Just feeling a bit down on dumps as was hoping hba1c would be lower, maybe this is the kick up the backside I needed to change bad habits.
Not just sugar that is the problem but all carbohydrates, some find that reducing carbs improves their cholesterol. Good move to start exercising but diet is also important.
This link may help you to see a way forward with modifying your diet. Be careful cutting salt too much as we all need salt just not too much and cutting processed foods which often contain salt means you are short on salt.
on my notes they've put a q risk score, no idea what this actually is, mine came back at 5.7%, unsure if this is good or bad, anyone any ideas?
Your QRisk score is your risk of CVD in the next 10 years.
..... And under 10% is good, so your risk at 5.7% is nothing to be too concerned about. Obviously, lower is always better. 🙄
Not just sugar that is the problem but all carbohydrates, some find that reducing carbs improves their cholesterol. Good move to start exercising but diet is also important.
This link may help you to see a way forward with modifying your diet. Be careful cutting salt too much as we all need salt just not too much and cutting processed foods which often contain salt means you are short on salt.
I still have a bit of salt in my diet but I was using it a bit to excessively, all in moderation I guess, definitely given up the crisps though, thanks for sharing info
Sorry to hear you’ve felt a little down about your results. Your slight rise in HbA1c is understandable given the upset you’ve been going through following your Dad’s death. Grief is a long process, and takes a lot of working through, so be kind to yourself.

HbA1c as a measure generally moves quite slowly, because it measures changes in red blood cells, which have a lifespan of 120 days. In order to see the full effect of the changes you have been making, you may need to wait a little longer, so don’t worry if things haven’t moved quite as far as you’d have liked at your next check.

Keep going!
Aww thanks so much, needed a bit of reassurance, I'm eating better, working out 3 times per week plus a little bit of toning exercises at home, they are repeating my lipids and I think hba1c in 3 to 6 months time so hopefully my numbers are better, ( had a cheat night tonight with a chippy tea but back on good eating tomorrow)
wow you look great.
disclaimer i am happily married so not saying it for any other reason.
Wish i looked as good .
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