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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had my HBA1C bloods done as I have been feeling bloated and I saw the doctor about my results and to change my medication and it has turned out that my body has taken with the Metformin tablets and my HBA1C results have come down from 55 down to 45 pre diabetic levels so I am super proud
That's a great result - well done. You have every reason to be super proud. Keep doing whatever you're doing and maybe your next HbA1c will be even lower.
I had my HBA1C bloods done as I have been feeling bloated and I saw the doctor about my results and to change my medication and it has turned out that my body has taken with the Metformin tablets and my HBA1C results have come down from 55 down to 45 pre diabetic levels so I am super proud
This is really lovely to hear - happy for you. How are you feeling in yourself? Have you noticed many changes to your general wellbeing?
This is really lovely to hear - happy for you. How are you feeling in yourself? Have you noticed many changes to your general wellbeing?
I have not really noticed anything at first my body was a bit shaky because of my HBA1C bloods are back to pre diabetic levels as I was used to the highs of sugar and I find that I am sleeping throughout the night without needing to get up to go to the loo I'm still on Metformin at the moment which is helping also I have found that I have some energy to go for walks and have lost a bit of weight as well
I have not really noticed anything at first my body was a bit shaky because of my HBA1C bloods are back to pre diabetic levels as I was used to the highs of sugar and I find that I am sleeping throughout the night without needing to get up to go to the loo I'm still on Metformin at the moment which is helping also I have found that I have some energy to go for walks and have lost a bit of weight as well
Sleep is a big thing isn't it. Makes such a difference when you have a proper night's sleep without any interruptions. :D
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