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Relationship to Diabetes
Cystic Fibrosis Diabetes
Hi all back in December last year my HBA1C was 78 (started insulin slow release 8 units in the morning rapid 2 units in the morning) I was then re tested in Feb if this year and it was 61 i have on weds on another HBA1C test and the result is 53. My question is when I go and see the diabetes consultant and say my HBA1C was then 47 would they consider taking me off insulin purley based on the A1C result or is there other factors they consider? Has any experienced this and what was the outcome?
You’re getting great results which seem to suggest that the insulin is working well. I don’t know what type of diabetes you have or how it interacts with CF but the aim is to have an HBA1C of below 50 and with type 1 it’s unusual to go below 42-3 (although with sensors now it’s getting safer to be towards the lower 40s than it used to be). You’re on a low dose of insulin so it will depend on multiple factors as to what a consultant would do but right now insulin is doing it’s job and working well.
I just read

- which was very illuminating to me since although I know any amount about D generally and also the very basics of what CF is about - I didn't know that 'CF-D' was an entirely separate type of D.

Because I have no experience of anyone else with either stand alone CF or CFD which it seems you have, I'm in no position to suggest anything - except to say I agree with what @Thebearcametoo has already said. I should think you most likely need to 'play it by ear' and wait and see what happens with your HbA1c and of course, your CF.

One thing I do think you need to know is that just because X or Y has worked/is working fine at the moment for the D - this is no guarantee that it will continue to behave exactly the same - presumably in your case it depends on whether the mucus build up that has already affected the operation of your pancreas stays on an even keel, improves, or becomes worse - but I don't even know that for a fact either.
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