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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi I've been type 2 diabetic fir several years with the last 3 years maintained as diet controlled, just had my latest bloods which was a non fast hba1c and although not spoke to my gp yet as apparently they havnt looked at results yet the receptionist told me the result was 119 and I'm now left hanging wondering what's gone wrong as a freind has said that a bad result and means I'm now diabetic rather than predibetic
Ice looked on goggle and I've now confused myself with all the different numbers and ways it's all measured
Any one know what 119 in UK means ?
Thanks in advance I feel on edge waiting for gp to call me some point ‍♂️
Any one know what 119 in UK means ?
It means something's wrong. Either your diabetes is no longer adequately controlled or something went wrong with the test (lab error, maybe, or anaemia).

An HbA1c of 119 equates to a glucose level of around 18mmol/L, more than double where it should be.

Whilst we're all different, I was hospitalised last year with DKA with an HbA1c of 117. But I was fatigued, had an almost unquenchable thirst & was peeing for England! So if you have no symptoms & feel well & "normal", I'd wonder at the receptionist interpreting the result incorrectly. Do you test yourself with a glucose meter? Can you get access to the result online?

If not I'd call again tomorrow to try to get that number verified. If it is correct then I'd suggest that you need a fairly urgent appointment to discuss it.
Hi thanks for reply what is DKA ?
I have been telling them for ages that I'm extremely tired for ages not really drinking or peeing any different
Hoping to get app tomorrow although that's not easy done these days but am going to try
Hi thanks for reply what is DKA ?

DKA is rare in T2, and usually results from high glucose levels in the absence of insulin.

It does sound like your HbA1c has changed significantly, and it would be good to get an appointment to discuss things. Hopefully you will be able to get a slot and they will be able to recommend some changes to your treatment plan.

Let us know how you get on 🙂
I lost 10kg but put that & the other symptoms down to post-Covid, so left it longer than I should have. With hindsight, the surgery was also a bit lax when I eventually got an appointment by not testing glucose & ketones there & then. It was another 5 days before I got called back when the HbA1c result came in after the weekend. That's when they found my ketones were 10x what they should be & packed me straight off to A&E. Seems that Covid wrecked my previous 12 years of good control with diet & Metformin & sent glucose levels through the roof.

Don't want to be over-dramatic but if that 119 figure is confirmed, I think you need an urgent ketone test to be on the safe side.
I am going to try today for an appointment
I have just read that statins can cause levels to raise so I'm now questioning that because my diabetic nurse put me on one last time I had a check up with her ive also read some people's level raised after covid I had it bad in September
I just feel something has to of caused this because its such a high jump and I havnt changed anything
Fingers crossed, let us know how you get on.

For reference, you can buy urine ketone test strips from a pharmacy. You may be able to find one that will do a finger prick test if you ring around, but that will be chargeable.
Just seen a gp he said that is classed as a drastic rise
He said statins and steroids can higher sugar levels but hes never seen an increase at this level but to stop the statin just incase
Got to go for ct scan to check nothing going on with my pancreas
And keep in contact with him daily with my blood sugar levels he's just given me a machine
Also got to take one more metformin so one in morning one in evening currently was only doing 1 an evening
Bloods in 6 wks
I'm feeling so low can't believe this jump in levels
Glad you at least got seen, did he test ketones? At least with the machine you can keep an eye on where you are on a daily basis.

Try not to beat yourself up over something you had little control over. Hospital reckoned my episode was brought on by Covid & that they'd seen numerous similar cases. Although apparently viruses in general can play havoc with levels. Hopefully the increase in Metformin will help to start bringing levels down & you should probably be extra strict with the excess carbs for a while.
Glad he’s given you a meter, what levels are you getting on that? Those will tell you if the a1c of 119 is accurate or not.
Glad you at least got seen, did he test ketones? At least with the machine you can keep an eye on where you are on a daily basis.

Try not to beat yourself up over something you had little control over. Hospital reckoned my episode was brought on by Covid & that they'd seen numerous similar cases. Although apparently viruses in general can play havoc with levels. Hopefully the increase in Metformin will help to start bringing levels down & you should probably be extra strict with the excess carbs for a while.
Hi yes he did hevsaid there is alot of sugar in urine but ketones was ok
Just currently thinking about a new menu that involves cutting carbs trying to think of a bread substitute for when I need a quick sandwich as a lunch mainly on a work day think I will get fed up if had salad every day
Glad he’s given you a meter, what levels are you getting on that? Those will tell you if the a1c of 119 is accurate or not.
Hi I've just been given one today my reading this morning when gp took it was 13.5 I'm going to be doing tonight's one shortly
Hi yes he did hevsaid there is alot of sugar in urine but ketones was ok
Just currently thinking about a new menu that involves cutting carbs trying to think of a bread substitute for when I need a quick sandwich as a lunch mainly on a work day think I will get fed up if had salad every day
There are a few lower carb breads in the supermarkets which you could try or just have 1 slice of bread instead of 2, But you can still make salads interesting, there are lots of suggestions in the Food forum (drop down menu on top left)
Home made soup in a flask or heated in the microwave.
He said statins and steroids can higher sugar levels but hes never seen an increase at this level but to stop the statin just incase
Are you on steroids, if so how much are you taking?
There are a few lower carb breads in the supermarkets which you could try or just have 1 slice of bread instead of 2, But you can still make salads interesting, there are lots of suggestions in the Food forum (drop down menu on top left)
Home made soup in a flask or heated in the microwave.
Hi ok thank you I will take a look ☺️
Are you on steroids, if so how much are you taking?
Hi I'm not on steroids now I had covid in September and was put on steroids in October on two different occasions because my chest took a while to recover from the covid
How was your own testing? While 13.5 is high, it's not as high as the HbA1c suggests & not high enough for ketones to be a concern (I was told no need to test unless 15+ consistently). So bearing in mind that the HbA1c is a 90 day average, you may already be coming down naturally.

The odd sandwich isn't going to do any great harm, although I was using tinned soups for lunch when I was high. A cream of chicken or mushroom only runs to about 15-20g of carbs.
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