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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, im type 2 diabetic , so had my bloods done 2 weeks ago, for my diabetic review, wad menat to have telephone review today but 2 nurses had rung in sick and I've have to make another appointment after new year, explained I wanted to know my results as I've been fretting, she said she could tell me my hba1c as that was worrying me more, so kidney, liver, full blood count, thyroid and b12 all normal, cholesterol was raised a bit at 6, (was 5.65 last time) i can work on that, but my HBA1c has come down to 44, (previously 47 in march and 59 ans 57 at diagnosis last dec) I'm so flipping chuffed, just thought i would share my happy news with you all. Know metformin is probably helping but i did lose a stone last year, also was very strict on diet, but my diabetic nurse said I still have to live, so I have been eating treats, not always in moderation so I'm so happy in hba1c has dropped, after Xmas I'm gonna try really hard to gey My cholesterol down and my hba1c down further, this result really has made My xmas.
Delighted for you and congrats on the fabulous weight loss.
Well done.
Sounds good well done 🙂
Well done @Marie1986
Just got to get through the Christmas festivities now, well, the food that is. 😉
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