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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey guys,

So I finally phoned my diabetes team to find out my latest HbA1c result, and I have (somehow) managed to get it down from 16.9 at diagnosis 😱 to 7.2 :D

Very happy!!! And I must be doing something right!! Just wish I could get my daily figures more or less constant!!

Much love,

Vicki 🙂
Hi there Vicki that is totally amazing well done that is more then enough news for a good celebration.
I agree, that is some achievment........keep it up
That's excellent news Vicki! Well done! The day to day figures will settle in time, I'm sure - just keep up the good work 🙂
excellent news, well done to you.
Fantastic, well done. What an acheivement! :D
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