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Type 2
I am exasperated by googling for the meaning/interpretation of "HbA1c" and getting everything but a proper answer. At last I think I've found that Hb is haemoglobin and the A1c indicates a particular variety. Is that right? Now what is the relation between the number (42 is mine) and yes, I know it is "the answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything." but 42 what? and the percentage. Percentage of what in what?

Please someone help.
@Quizzy Hopefully this will help:

It’s glycated haemoglobin, very basically I think how much glucose is stuck to the red blood cells, which will be more when your blood sugar is higher. Red blood cells live for 3 months so it’s a sort of guideline of how your blood sugar has been for that long, although I think it’s a bit more complicated than that and more recent blood sugar levels will have a more noticeable effect on hba1c. Unless you are a scientist it’s probably not worth worrying about what the actual number means, just learn what the healthy range is.
hba1c is basically how much sugar is showing up in your blood.
Due to the turnover rate of your blood cells it shows how well your body coped with the amount of sugars and carbs eaten and drunk over the last 3 months.
While 42 will always be the answer to life, the universe and everything .... in this instance it shows you are in the lower range of prediabetic.
Acting now is the best thing you can do to look after your health and hopefully dodge diabetes.

I was diagnosed pre-diabetic with a score of 42, I reduced carbs and sugars. Since my cholesterol was high I reduced fats and saturates too. Due to the combined reductions I lost my excess weight, and 1 year later I have a score of 39 which is non-diabetic.
It’s glycated haemoglobin, very basically I think how much glucose is stuck to the red blood cells, which will be more when your blood sugar is higher. Red blood cells live for 3 months so it’s a sort of guideline of how your blood sugar has been for that long, although I think it’s a bit more complicated than that and more recent blood sugar levels will have a more noticeable effect on hba1c. Unless you are a scientist it’s probably not worth worrying about what the actual number means, just learn what the healthy range is.
Yes, I believe it's weighted more in the last 1-2 months as older blood cells are slowly but continually getting replaced - this would mean a larger amount of blood cells would be newer rather than older.
The units are mmol/mol and below 42mmol/mol is normal, 42-47mmol/mol is pre-diabetes or at risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and 48mmol/mol and over is a diabetic diagnosis. It does not tell you what Type you may have, further tests would be needed for that, primarily so see if people are Type 1 but clinical presentation is also taken into consideration.
The results of that blood test used to be reported as a %age, but on 1st June 2009 the UK changed to the numeric system to match the rest of Europe, so UK medical staff - and us on this forum - should by now all be using the 'numbers only' system solely.

If someone is still using %age - then they are quite obviously firmly stuck in the last century and quite probably also in the restaurant at the end of the universe! :rofl:
That's why most of us just call it a Diabetic H Test!

All you need to know is that 50 or below is good and 51 or more is not so good. One H test result is no good either, you need 3 or 4 to see if your number is stable or going up or down slightly or a lot and that information is what will tell your Nurse etc. whether you need to be prescribed any medication or not like some tablets like Metformin or Jardiance.

H Tests are normally at least 3 months apart and you may even end up just having one annually each year.
That's why most of us just call it a Diabetic H Test!

All you need to know is that 50 or below is good and 51 or more is not so good. One H test result is no good either, you need 3 or 4 to see if your number is stable or going up or down slightly or a lot and that information is what will tell your Nurse etc. whether you need to be prescribed any medication or not like some tablets like Metformin or Jardiance.

H Tests are normally at least 3 months apart and you may even end up just having one annually each year.
Do we, I have never heard that at all, just one more variation to confuse people.
Yes, I believe it's weighted more in the last 1-2 months as older blood cells are slowly but continually getting replaced - this would mean a larger amount of blood cells would be newer rather than older.
Hba1c is said to be heavily skewed to the last ten days.
all good advice above....
so long and thanx for all the fish.....now where's my towel?
relax, I found it
You're good to go
@Quizzy I notice you you have not asked any further questions since the initial one that started this thread.
Can I ask why you need to know more detail about HBa1C?
Were you trying to understand the "timing bias" as has been discussed or was there something else you needed to know?
It’s glycated haemoglobin, very basically I think how much glucose is stuck to the red blood cells, which will be more when your blood sugar is higher. Red blood cells live for 3 months so it’s a sort of guideline of how your blood sugar has been for that long, although I think it’s a bit more complicated than that and more recent blood sugar levels will have a more noticeable effect on hba1c. Unless you are a scientist it’s probably not worth worrying about what the actual number means, just learn what the healthy range is.
Thanks! That's the phrase I wanted. Google did disclose this big secret when I asked what the Acronym meant. So difficult sometimes to phrase the question correctly. Thanks again.
@Quizzy I notice you you have not asked any further questions since the initial one that started this thread.
Can I ask why you need to know more detail about HBa1C?
Were you trying to understand the "timing bias" as has been discussed or was there something else you needed to know?
I should have asked what the Acronym HbA1c meant. I googled all sorts of tortuous ways before I stumbled upon ACRONYM and google eventually understood what I wanted. My O level chemistry misled me to start with H for hydrogen! Please forgive me dear helpers for putting you to so much trouble. Lots of carefully constructed answers to a badly phrased question.
Never mix up your HbA1c with your HHGTTG and always avoid Vogon poetry.
Good advice!
The results of that blood test used to be reported as a %age, but on 1st June 2009 the UK changed to the numeric system to match the rest of Europe, so UK medical staff - and us on this forum - should by now all be using the 'numbers only' system solely.

If someone is still using %age - then they are quite obviously firmly stuck in the last century and quite probably also in the restaurant at the end of the universe! :rofl:
Thanks for the tip, I was about to ask about the percentage figure and now there is so much less to be curious about.