HBA1C was 37.0, is that pre diabetic?

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
As the title says really - I’ve found conflicting information online.

I have yearly tests due to having gestational diabetes in 2018. Last years was 37.0 mol/mol but I never heard anything further from the GP so assumed all okay, although it was higher that previous year’s result of 36.0mmol…

Am due this years HBA1C next month but am now worrying I’ve been prediabetic the whole time and nobody told me!

Can someone enlighten me? Many thanks!
@Spellotapes No, 37 isn’t pre-diabetic. 42 is pre-diabetic. Here’s some information:

No need to worry as the prediabetes range is a HbA1c of 42 to 47, so you are in the normal range.
You might actually feel better following a carb restricted diet - I certainly did for decades before diagnosis, but was ignored.
I got a flagged high glucose reading 10 years before diagnosis, which was never revealed until I was given a print out a few years ago, but the decade of ignorance doesn't seem to have done anything really dreadful.
Yes - you were nicely in the normal zone. Pre diabetic is 42-47 mmol/mol in the UK. Also there is virtually no difference between your last 2 years, so nothing to worry about there either. The definition is slightly different in other countries but I see you are a West Country girl like me.
Ah thank you all!

I definitely appreciate the value of a low carb diet and plenty of walking…

I shall keep my fingers crossed that my results are similar this time round too and keep on keeping on with my prevention lifestyle 🙂
Ah thank you all!

I definitely appreciate the value of a low carb diet and plenty of walking…

I shall keep my fingers crossed that my results are similar this time round too and keep on keeping on with my prevention lifestyle 🙂

When told she was prediabetic think wife's figure was 45, her last Hba1c was 36 & was told it wasa perfectly normal level, so fear not & enjoy life.
I shall keep my fingers crossed that my results are similar this time round too and keep on keeping on with my prevention lifestyle 🙂

Fingers crossed for an encouraging result @Spellotapes

Remember that each test result will have a degree of ‘margin of error’ I would consider 36 and 37 as to be so similar as to make no real difference. I’d count those as pretty much the same 🙂
Just FWIW, the pre-diabetes threshold in the US is 5.7% = 39 mmol/mol, so you'd be "normal" even if you were there 🙂
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