HbA1c tomorrow morning

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
HI, I've got my first review tomorrow morning since my diagnosis about 4 months ago. I was 6.3 to start with. I am wondering what it will be tomorrow. Any guesses? I don't think I've done very well with my eating - old habits seem very hard to change.
HI, I've got my first review tomorrow morning since my diagnosis about 4 months ago. I was 6.3 to start with. I am wondering what it will be tomorrow. Any guesses? I don't think I've done very well with my eating - old habits seem very hard to change.

Hi Anita ..

Good luck with the appointment tomorrow .. :D ... I'm sure you will be nicely surprised ...

I'm gonna have a guess at 5.8 ... :D

6.3 is rather good as a starting point, and you have probably been trying (whether consciously or not!) to behave 😉 I'll go for 6.0%. Don't worry if it's not quite what you hope for though, these things can fluctuate, especially when you are trying to get to grips with things 🙂
I'll take the middle point and go 6.1 - but that's only as you have (as Northerner says) a really good starting point. Good luck!
Hi Anita
I'll have a guess of 6.2 I hope you get the result you want tomorrow good luck 🙂

p.s I love your picture! so cute and watching tv too clever cat 😉
5.9% - just to wish you good luck and dont worry if its not what you wanted - its very early days yet.🙂Bev
I'll have a guess at 6.1 :D
As long as it goes down, instead of up, it is an improvement 😛
Appointment went well

HbA1c was 6.0% - Am pleased with that. Well done, Northerner & Steff, good guess!

Blood pressure 148/86 (higher than last time which was 132/85). But I have been on blood pressure meds since long before diabetes - and it has always been variable)

Cholesterol 4.5 - but a my 'bad cholesterol is low' and the ratio is good.

Weight - 0.6 kg (about a pound) less than three months ago

No suggestion of statins or metformin - It's the weight that I need to work on.

I asked how often the diabetic reviews would be - they could go to every six months, but I can have them every three months if I felt that would be helpful or if I needed the support. So my next one will be three months from now.

I am really happy with my surgery - I felt the nurse really understood that I am struggling with the weight loss ( or lack of it) and was very supportive. We had a discussion about my depression - which of course has a big effect on my eating, and she supported my decision not to ask for anti-depressants at present, but to see how it goes.

Right, eat drink and be merry today - for tomorrow I diet!
WOOOO thats a really good appointment well done on all the numbers there Annimay im so impressed with that xx well done, im pleased your now going to be seen every 3 month thats the same as me I like it that way then any issues that crop up during that time i can say so and not have to wait 6 month.
Great results, well done 🙂 x
Great stuff Anita! Well done! Keep everything moving in the right direction.

My advice would be just to keep working at it gradually. You will be amazed at what is possible through changing your diet.

Best wishes - John
Well done Anita on a brilliant result but damn I didn't get it right (I never do). I would definately be celebrating if I was you tonight 😉 xx
Woohoo! I won! Well done on the numbers Anita - great that you seem to have one of the better healthcare teams!🙂
Hi Anita ...

Well done on the numbers ... brilliant .... :D

ahem ahem i think you will find WE won mr Northy.

And the prize.... to be shared by Northey & Steff ...


Well done Anita 😎
Have a virtual celebration
Well done Anita - that's great news.
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