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Hba1c to fast or not to fast?


Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi I know this is a non fasting test but what does everyone normally do? Also does it matter (if you eat) what you eat and drink before? Thank you.
No, you don’t need to fast for a hba1c test.
It won’t affect your HbA1c either way (the changes it is measuring won’t be affected by the reading on the morning of the test).

An HbA1c is often taken alongside other measures though, eg cholesterol / full lipid panel. Cholesterol can be impacted by what you have been eating in the last 12-24 hours I think? Your surgery will usually tell you if they want the bloods taken to be fasting or non-fasting.
Like @everydayupsanddowns mentioned i always fast 12 hours before (water only) but always have a full array of bloods like kidney and liver function, Cholesterol etc as well as Hba1c on my annual Diabetes check. I wouldn't fast if i knew def Hba1c check only.
Thank you. They haven’t mentioned doing cholesterol. I’ll have breakfast as normal 🙂
Sounds like a good plan @Bumble121

Hope your results come back speedily, and are what you are hoping for.
Hi I know this is a non fasting test but what does everyone normally do? Also does it matter (if you eat) what you eat and drink before? Thank you.
I don't fast as Hba1c is a measure of two-three months, so fasting would be pointless. I eat my usual breakfast, porridge, avocado and coffee. Doubt if this makes much difference as I have been eating it for years.
I try to schedule my regular blood tests first thing in the morning so they have little impact to my day.
As a result, they are usually fasting which is useful for cholesterol but makes no difference to the HBa1C.
I think I would have to fast for 2 to 3 months and that seems like too much commitment and likely to affect other things :D
they just did Hba1c and my thyroid so just need to wait and see now. If it’s ok I’ll throw the BG monitor in the bin Thanks everyone 🙂
I fast (usually just because I naturally fast until 12 most days and my blood tests tend to be first thing). I do try and drink more water than I normally would first thing, as I am horrible to get blood out of (it always has to be my hand rather than my arm).

But, as others have said, I'm usually having my lipid panel at the same time and as my cholesterol is always a bit dodgy, I'll do whatever I can to try and make my cholesterol look normal!!
I fast (usually just because I naturally fast until 12 most days and my blood tests tend to be first thing). I do try and drink more water than I normally would first thing, as I am horrible to get blood out of (it always has to be my hand rather than my arm).

But, as others have said, I'm usually having my lipid panel at the same time and as my cholesterol is always a bit dodgy, I'll do whatever I can to try and make my cholesterol look normal!!
The range for triglycerides starts at a lower level if fasting than non fasting. Fasting tests seem to be less common now partly because it is more difficult for people to comply especially when blood tests are hard to come by.
It was a Hba1c of 30 so fine. So my BG monitor is obviously showing something different. I’m going to leave the forum now as putting it down to side effects of my medication (symptoms and high BG spikes). Tbf doctors have been good but can’t see them doing anything else further. Have a good day everyone.
It was a Hba1c of 30 so fine. So my BG monitor is obviously showing something different. I’m going to leave the forum now as putting it down to side effects of my medication (symptoms and high BG spikes). Tbf doctors have been good but can’t see them doing anything else further. Have a good day everyone.
That seems like a good result but do make sure you follow up with your GP about symptoms, it maybe tweaking your medication will address your issues.
I've always been told to fast when I have my Hba1c test, but I'm assuming that's because they're running more than one test and one of those requires me to fast, they always take at least 2 vials (almost an armful - that's for the Tony Hancock fans out there)!

Before I go I had a look as been doing my blood sugars for 30 days after a random spike of 30 BS obviously my Hba1c is fine so that’s great. Just want to make sure I’m doing the right things going forward. For a non diabetic my waking levels are between 6-7 most days and the mid day 7-8 evenings can be 8-9 with occasional 10-12 and a couple of 16,18 spikes. Is it best to avoid carbs with meals? I have taken the day reading 2 hours after meals. Although levels were fine I still feel pretty rotten so just want to do the right things going forward. Doctors are pretty swamped and can’t imagine much advice now they have ruled this out. Thank you! 🙂

Before I go I had a look as been doing my blood sugars for 30 days after a random spike of 30 BS obviously my Hba1c is fine so that’s great. Just want to make sure I’m doing the right things going forward. For a non diabetic my waking levels are between 6-7 most days and the mid day 7-8 evenings can be 8-9 with occasional 10-12 and a couple of 16,18 spikes. Is it best to avoid carbs with meals? I have taken the day reading 2 hours after meals. Although levels were fine I still feel pretty rotten so just want to do the right things going forward. Doctors are pretty swamped and can’t imagine much advice now they have ruled this out. Thank you! 🙂
In my non medical opinion your readings seem a bit out of step with a HbA1C of 30mmol/mol.
Your readings would be indicative of an HbA1C somewhat higher.
It would be a good idea to continue to do some reading with your monitor but have a structured regime of testing and keeping a food diary of everything you eat and drink with an estimate of the carbs in your meals, any snacks and drinks. Testing on waking, before you eat and after 2 hours and record how you feel, any symptoms as this can provide some good evidence as a basis of further investigation.
Unless you are eating very high carb meals I am surprised you see readings as high as 18mmol/l.
Readings can be very time dependant with respect to when you eat.
If diabetic people would aim for 4-7 fasting and before meals and no more than 8mmol/l 2 hours after eating. If that is the case most of the time in the 3 months prior to the HbA1C test then the result would likely be 42mmol/mol or less.
Would you like to post what sort of meals you are having.
I don’t know about prior unfortunately as only tested when I was feeling unwell and my Dad suggested. I was feeling and still am very tired in the afternoons, headaches, shaky, needing the loo often, waking with sweats. Maybe it’s hormonal or medicine I’m on. This started just over a month ago. I always have porridge for breakfast, lunch is normally soup, jacket potato and beans or pasta and tomato/veggie sauce. I do eat things like meatballs with tomato and vegetable sauce and pasta, roast dinner, curry, pizza occasionally with homemade chips, stir fry’s, steak with roasted veg, it’s hard as I didn’t do a food diary.