HBA1C time...guess time!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all...

Have decided to have an a1c done....eeeee :D

So a year ago pre pump I was 8.6
6 weeks into pumping I was 7.3

Am now 6 months into pumping, would love to be in the 6's but will have to wait and see!!

Not even having blood taken till tom so won't know results till end of the week, so plenty of time for guesses 🙂

woohoo thanks am, so hope we can be a1c twinnies 🙂 x
hahah me tooooo...am hoping results day will be thursday, friday latest promise 🙂 x
How many profiteroles have you consummed in the last 6 months? 🙂

(Im only asking as Im jelous you have such an HbA1c of magnificance!)
I'll go with 6.8% or whatever that equates to in new money. I am irritated by them having to change that.

Good luck Shelley!
i went to the nurse today and had all my bloods taken, so i'll be getting my hab1c on thursday afternoon. i think it will have gone up, to be honest.
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