Hba1c time again...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Yep, tomorrow is Insulin pump - The results show.

I hope dear lil Alvin has proved himself worthy else I'll have to feed him to the lions! (Oh okay, fine, they're just cats but I can pretend!)

Feeling good and hoping for anything around the 8 mark or lower 7 would be amazing 🙂 anyway time to go cook in the bedroom. Pesky fan dying when its needed the most *que oldman moaning mode...*
good luck to you and ALvin, me and Poppy r going to get blood taken for an a1c tom....feel ure pain!!!!! x
Heh thanks, I hope you get good results. I've dropped from 9.8 to 8.7 in six weeks so quite a way to go but a step in the right direction 🙂
did we ever hear how shadez hbA results went?
Opps, sorry!

I put my numbers up in this thread.

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