HbA1c tests

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi there, I have a couple of questions for anyone who uses HbA1c test kits other than GP tests at the surgery.
I was diagnosed in 2020 after a few years being diabetic (I’m a 73 year old woman by the way).
I’m trying to keep track of this as I’m trying a broccoli soup that says it may help to reduce my blood sugar and even get it down to normal levels. I tried two test kits in November that gave quite different results. The Superdrug doctor test was 51 mmol/mol and the monitor your health one was 45mmol/mol. So quite a difference between them. Does anyone have any experience of these?
Also, any tips on putting ON weight as I have lost half a stone and am now underweight. Thanks so much.
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If you are diabetic then you should be getting your HbA1C test done by your doctor and that will be from a blood sample taken from your arm analysed on equipment which is validated and probably costing many thousands of pounds.
I'm not sure how those test kits work but are less likely to be as accurate.
Investment in a home blood glucose monitor would be better value so you can test the effect of foods and meals on your blood glucose.
If you want to put on weight then whilst you need to be careful of your carbohydrate intake making sure you have protein and healthy fats will help with the weight. Avocados, nuts, peanut butter, eggs, cheese, mayonnaise and full fat dairy. You could add stilton to your broccoli soup.
Many on here claim that a low carb, high fat diet is great for weight loss, not weight gain.
Personally I find it's calories, regardless of what type they are, I lose weight by eating less, I gain weight by eating more.

So as said above, if you can simply add healthy fat to foods in moderation, the weight should start to pile on.

If you were originally diagnosed in 2020, you should have had follow up visits to your GP.
Get your GP to test your hba1c again, you can get a better idea of what steps you need to take, depending on the result.
It's also worth asking if you can see an NHS dietician, they are better positioned to help you with personal advice, and a more balanced solution.
I’ve used let’s get checked, monitor my health and another that I can’t remember the name of right now. Sorry if I missed it but what was the time lapse between your 2 tests? I’ve always found them quite reliable. As for the weight, I’m in the same boat. Apart for the usual good fats and protein advice, I use a company called ketochef. I order their bread rolls, brownies and cookies. One of the only places that doesn’t upset my tummy. This has helped me put weight on as the food isn’t low cal in fact quite the opposite. Draw back though, it’s expensive but as 90% of the family food shop is out of bounds for me… I think I deserve it. I also have squirty cream on top of my tea, not for everyone but I kinda like it. Ooh ooh I remembered, thriva was the other company. Never bother with the a1c now that you can order from Amazon, they are garbage !
Thank you for your responses to my questions. I will ask about a glucose monitor but was under the impression that they are expensive and only given out to diabetics on insulin. No harm in asking I guess.
I am trying to add healthy fats to my diet such as avocado oil on vegetables but no weight gain so far. I will look at ketochef though. Not sure about tea with squirty cream! What did you mean about ordering from Amazon EmmaL76?
Thank you for your responses to my questions. I will ask about a glucose monitor but was under the impression that they are expensive and only given out to diabetics on insulin. No harm in asking I guess.
I am trying to add healthy fats to my diet such as avocado oil on vegetables but no weight gain so far. I will look at ketochef though. Not sure about tea with squirty cream! What did you mean about ordering from Amazon EmmaL76?
Are you thinking about the Continuous Glucose Monitors that Type 1s now get on pescription? I think the blood glucose monitor @Leadinglights was referring to is the finger prick sort, which a lot of people with Type 2 fund themselves, and are relatively inexpenxive if you buy a basic one. There are a couple recommended on the Sticky post at the top of the Newbies section of the forums. The GlucoNavil, and the Tslim, I think are front runners. Then you can take a spot glocose reading before you eat, and another two hours later to see how that particular meal is affecting you, (there are a couple of links on that same sticky with advice about getting the most out of testing).
I use the Safe-Accu glucose meter from time to time, I have not tried any others. I may look around to try another. Thanks for that info.
Re gaining weight, I have talked to a dietician about it. On her suggestion, I tried some fortified milkshakes for a few weeks. Think they were really for people who are malnourished, as they were full of sugar which needless to say increased my blood sugar. And no weight gain!!
Thank you for your responses to my questions. I will ask about a glucose monitor but was under the impression that they are expensive and only given out to diabetics on insulin. No harm in asking I guess.
I am trying to add healthy fats to my diet such as avocado oil on vegetables but no weight gain so far. I will look at ketochef though. Not sure about tea with squirty cream! What did you mean about ordering from Amazon EmmaL76?
there are these little machines you can get from Amazon called A1c now, and they are rubbish. Supposed to give you our hba1c but the results fluctuate wildly
I use the Safe-Accu glucose meter from time to time, I have not tried any others. I may look around to try another. Thanks for that info.
Re gaining weight, I have talked to a dietician about it. On her suggestion, I tried some fortified milkshakes for a few weeks. Think they were really for people who are malnourished, as they were full of sugar which needless to say increased my blood sugar. And no weight gain!!

Fortisip Neutral and Ensure Plus Neutral are probably the lowest sugar versions.
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