hba1c test results

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I had the results of my hba1c test today, it's dropped right down to 25 from 69!!! The nurse wasn't overly helpful and seemed more concerned then pleased, I've recently had a massive life style change, I got sober on 8th January and lost 2 and a half stone, I've also been exercising, (I used to be housebound due to mental health) I'm so proud of what I've achieved, is this a good number or should I actually be concerned? I was told to stop my medication now which I threw in the bin today
Not sure I've heard of anyone being less than 30-something but well done on getting down from 69.

Hopefully the bin you put your unwanted meds in was in a pharmacy......
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I had the results of my hba1c test today, it's dropped right down to 25 from 69!!! The nurse wasn't overly helpful and seemed more concerned then pleased, I've recently had a massive life style change, I got sober on 8th January and lost 2 and a half stone, I've also been exercising, (I used to be housebound due to mental health) I'm so proud of what I've achieved, is this a good number or should I actually be concerned? I was told to stop my medication now which I threw in the bin today
That is a fantastic result in that time. I think the 'concern' may have been because that is a pretty low result, the best people often achieve is mid 30ies even after years of dietary changes, meds etc.
They may have been worried that you would be getting periods of very low blood glucose which could be an issue.
What medications were you taking.
You should be proud of your achievement.
Not sure I've heard of anyone being less than 30-something but well done on getting down from 69.

Hopefully the bin you put your unwanted meds in was in a pharmacy......
If I'm honest I googled just now about getting rid of unwanted medicine when you said this and never knew it needs to go to the pharmacy! I have the pack now and some others ready to take down there tomorrow, thanks for heads up
25? o_O
That is a fantastic result in that time. I think the 'concern' may have been because that is a pretty low result, the best people often achieve is mid 30ies even after years of dietary changes, meds etc.
They may have been worried that you would be getting periods of very low blood glucose which could be an issue.
What medications were you taking.
You should be proud of your achievement.
I've been taking 80mg of gliclazide, thank you! Yes I thought that as she asked how I've been feeling and I think I've been ok!
I've been taking 80mg of gliclazide, thank you! Yes I thought that as she asked how I've been feeling and I think I've been ok!
It would be worth keeping an eye on your blood glucose levels as coming off a medication like gliclazide may well have an impact as your body now has to get on with it on it's own.

It would be worth keeping an eye on your blood glucose levels as coming off a medication like gliclazide may well have an impact as your body now has to get on with it on it's own.
Ok do you think it would be going up or down? I generally check in morning and in evening
Well done on your terrific reduction in your HbA1c, and all the other transformations you have made, including getting sober! Really inspirational stuff.

25 is at the lower end of HbA1c values - you don’t see many in the 4% club (old money)

Would be interesting to see if a follow-up HbA1c is still as low, or whether you get something in the 30s, which wouldn’t have raised your nurses eyebrows at all 🙂
Ok do you think it would be going up or down? I generally check in morning and in evening
The gliclazide would have been encouraging your pancreas to produce more insulin to deal with the carbs in your meals but without that you will be relying on your pancreas to produce enough without the 'help' of the medication.
So your levels may go up without that help. It will depend largely on your diet.
What were you doing whilst taking the gliclazide.
Well done on your terrific reduction in your HbA1c, and all the other transformations you have made, including getting sober! Really inspirational stuff.

25 is at the lower end of HbA1c values - you don’t see many in the 4% club (old money)

Would be interesting to see if a follow-up HbA1c is still as low, or whether you get something in the 30s, which wouldn’t have raised your nurses eyebrows at all 🙂
I've just been doing abit of research online so understanding it abit more! I think now I will be stopping this medication it may go up abit but I'm booked in for 3months time again
I've just been doing abit of research online so understanding it abit more! I think now I will be stopping this medication it may go up abit but I'm booked in for 3months time again
You will get a heads up if things are going awry if you are keeping a daily or weekly check with your home monitor.
The gliclazide would have been encouraging your pancreas to produce more insulin to deal with the carbs in your meals but without that you will be relying on your pancreas to produce enough without the 'help' of the medication.
So your levels may go up without that help. It will depend largely on your diet.
What were you doing whilst taking the gliclazid
With the alcohol abuse I was worried my pancreas wasn't working properly but they said it is now and my liver was now normal thank goodness, my diet was very different in last 3 months and been watching my carb intake, swapping them for vegetables, I joined weight watchers in Feb so that helped too, I've just downloaded a app to help keep eye on my reading's
That's great! I don't know whether there's anything in your circumstances or med regime which makes 25 a concern, but in general it's not abnormal for a non-diabetic so it's not freakish 🙂

FWIW, I had one reading of 27 after getting my T2D sorted, as a blip in my usual series of mid 30's levels. Could have been a lab glitch.
I've been off glaclazide 3 days now and my readings have gone up, I'm in the 5s on waking and had a 7.0 6.0 and tonight 7.8 two hours after evening meal, is this about right?

It would be worth keeping an eye on your blood glucose levels as coming off a medication like gliclazide may well have an impact as your body now has to get on with it on it's own.
I've been off 3 days now and it's gone up, I'm now 5s on waking and had 7.0 6.0 7.8 two hours after evening meal, is this about right?
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